10 April 2010

What's New?

Hello Voyagers.

What a strange bad time the last few weeks have been. Not to bring you down with my shitty life, but...

1) I was arrested & just got out of jail.
2) I lost my job.
3) I’m being evicted from my home.

Awfully fucked up trifecta if you ask me.

original billboard

You probably all are aware of the Billboard liberation movement. Slightly altering the messages of those hideous eyesore advertisements blighting the landscape of Amerika, the Billboard liberation brother/sisterhood try to present a more honest text to the selling of our Nation. 

Being the narco-anarchist that I am, I have often myself participated in the above mentioned pastime. 

Well, this time I was apprehended in the act & charged with trespassing on private property & commercial(???) vandalism.

altered billboard

While I was sitting in jail waiting to get OR’ed (released on my own recognizance), I was fired from my stupid-ass wage-slave job. No matter how mind numbing or time robbing that grind was, it paid my bills in a paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth sort of way.

Now that I’m not gainfully (???) employed, I can’t keep up on my rent & am being evicted from my domicile, ye olde Casa de Nada.

So now I’ve got to try & find a job in this troubled economic climate. I've got to try & get some unemployment compensation from this budget strapped State for day to day survival & to possibly afford to move to a new abode before becoming completely homeless. So, I’m trying to rapidly down-size my life.

I am going to be selling most of my vast musick & literary libraries on e-bay, along with many of my musickal instuments & other various crap I’ve accumulated that seem like an Albatross around my neck right now. If anyone is interested, contact me with requests or wants. I don’t have a list of things compiled yet, but if you’re no stranger here, then you probably have had a taste of my musickal leanings & literary wanderings.

Most of all I’m sorry for the long delay in posting up any new musick. Hope you like what I’m offering today & hope you’re life is going better than mine. If it’s not, then you’re really fucked.

The Wolfgang Press - Going South 12" prom EP, 4AD/WB PRO-A-7174, 1994.
decryption code in comments

Side 1 -
going south (apollo440 mix)
11 years (sabres main mix 2)

Side 2 -
executioner (adamson mix)
going south (country style)
