02 December 2012

My Gov, My Soul

Anonymous wanted this re-upped. Great choice. If you are looking for anything else by Bo Qu, let me know. I have most of their many releases. You can get this here or there.


01 December 2012

Sayonara Syria

Anonymous has declared cyber war against the embattled Syrian government just one day after the country sparked outrage by shutting down its citizens’ Internet access. As Network World reports, Anonymous has vowed to attack “all Web assets belonging to the Assad regime that are NOT hosted in Syria” in retaliation for the country’s suppression of its citizens’ digital communications. Anonymous said that the Syrian government’s actions were particularly rash because it had “physically severed the fiber-optic & coaxial cables coming into Syria” which is “not damage that can be easily or quickly repaired.” The hacker collective said its first target will be a website belonging to Syria’s embassy in China.

Anonymous is attacking Assad in response to the Internet shutdown. Anonymous is *not* attacking Assad in support of the Free Syrian Army.

‘Anonymous Operation Syria –
Press Release Thursday –
November 29, 2012 7:00 PM ET USA

Greetings World – 

Today, at precisely 10:30 AM ET all Internet traffic into & out of Syria ceased. Within a half hour of this sudden shut down, the PBX land-lines were degraded by 90% & Mobile connectivity was degraded by 75%. The nation of Syria has gone dark. & Anonymous knows all to well what happens in the dark places. 

Anonymous has done an exhaustive analysis of the Internet shut-down in Syria & we have concluded that the Syrian regime has physically severed the fiber-optic & coaxial cables coming into Syria. Essentially, they have physically "pulled the plug out of the wall". As we discovered in Egypt, where the dictator Mubarak did something similar - this is not damage that can be easily or quickly repaired. Fortunately, Anonymous has been working with Syrian activists for well over a year in anticipation of this moment. 

We produced & disseminated the Syrian Care Package - http://bit.ly/Wxx0ev & there are emergency independent media centers already set up in every city of Syria. Activists & independent journalists in Syria will be able to utilize these media centers to get news & media out of Syria, & Anonymous will assist in propagating that media to the world. Anonymous will keep open the lines of telecommunication with the free Syrian people. We will be the voice of the voiceless in Syria. 

"When your government shuts down the Internet, shut down your government." ~~ Anonymous Egypt

Anonymous will NOT allow this massive violation of the human rights of the free Syrian people go un-punished. We feel this is a desperate move by a dying regime, one that has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent civilians. Beginning at 9:00 PM ET USA Anonymous will begin removing from the Internet all web assets belonging to the Assad regime that are NOT hosted in Syria. We will begin with the websites & servers belonging to ALL Syrian Embassies abroad, which we will begin systematically removing from the Internet tonight. 

Our first target will be the website of the Syrian Embassy of in China: syria.org.cn - we encourage the media to follow the Twitter account @OpSyriaIRC for announcements on take-downs, defacements, data dumps, E-Mail bombs and black fax attacks. By turning off the Internet in Syria, the butcher Assad has shown that the time has come for Anonymous to remove the last vestiges of his evil government from the Internet. Soon, his people will remove him from this world. Let the final battle for a free Syria begin.... 

We Are Anonymous 

We Are Legion 

We Do Not Forgive 

We Do Not Forget 

Bashar Assad, your turn has come - EXPECT US’

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