17 May 2020

Monophones & Polyrhthyms

" In the year 1166 B.C., a malconented hunchbrain by the name of Greyface, got it into his head that the universe was as humorless as he, & he began to teach that play was sinful because it contradicted the ways of Serious Order. 'Look at all the order about you', he said. & from that, he deluded honest men to believe that reality was a straightjacket affair & not the happy romance as man had known it.

It is not presently understood why men were so gullible at that particular time, for absolutely no one thought to observe all the disorder around them & conclude just the opposite. But anyway, Greyface & his followers took the game of playing at life more seriously than they took life itself & were known even to destroy other living beings whose ways of life differed from their own.

The unfortunate results of this is that mankind has since been suffering from a psychological & spiritual imbalance. Imbalance causes frustration & frustration causes fear. & fear makes a bad trip. Man has been on a bad trip for a long time now.


                                      from Conventional Chaos, Principia Discordia, 2nd Edition, page 00042.

Gruad Grayface was a mutant.

Unlike the rest of the herd, his mutation rendered him glabrous (some small remnants of head & facial hair, some crotch & pit).  This visible difference from the other sapiens filled Gruad with hatred.  He set about on a campaign pitting people against one another because of their differences, making them unable to empathize across demographic lines (men & women, black & white, & on & on...).  Gruad believed that if people communicated with each other they would realize that they were natural allies & none of them benefited from Gruad's tyrannical rule.

Acolytes of Gruad have been trying to immanentize this New World Order for centuries. Donald Trump is the lastest Illuminatus Primus attempting to elevate the tenets of Oligarchic supremacy.

The only stumbling block to Gruad's goal is Discord.  The Sacred Chao. Hail Eris. While things seemed well under way for the ascendancy of Trump to the throne of another four years, along comes Covid to throw a monkey(read: hairy sapien)wrench into the plans. But is there more to the story?

In the 1980s & 90s, Steve Jackson Games released the role-playing card game, Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy. Are the characters, events, & agendas portrayed through the Illuminati card game prophecies or merely a series of strange coincidences  (examples: the Terrorist Nuke card

& the Pentagon card with their future view of the Twin Towers & Pentagon attacks of 9/11;

the man featured on the And Stay Dead! card appears to be Wikileaks’ Julian Assange:

& now the Epidemic card, well, enough said) all years before the portrayed.  Or are we being provided the script for reality Gruad's disciples seek to bring to fruition?

However,  the most unsettling card that bears the unmistakable resemblance to Trump is the Enough is Enough card. Examine the background images of the card & decide for yourselves.

"You have locked yourselves up in cages of fear: and behold, do you now complain that you lack freedom"
                       Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, K.S.C., Epistle of the Paranoids, The Honest Book of Truth.

but here at Casa Nada...

Was deep into the groove of  ''Tunnel Vision'' when it dawned on me that I haven't posted up any Monophonics here at NSS. Quick remedy. Here goes...

San Francisco Bay Area's Monophonics formed in 2005. Their original & subsequent lineups include guitarist Ian McDonald, keyboardist Colin Brown, saxophonist Alex Baky, trumpeter Ryan Scott, bassists Yuri Whitman & Miles O’Mahony, percussionist Kyle Middlebrooks, & drummer Austin Bohlman.

Monophonics put a 21st Century spin on the heavier, funkier, more psychedelic sounds of late 60s/early 70s soul while also never straying far from a primal Stax style. Each release from Monophonics has shown marked progress from the band. The most significant change to their overall great sound came with the addition of Kelly Finnigan, singer, songwriter, & keyboardist who joined after the first two albums, 2007s Playin & Simple & 2010s Into the Infrasounds.

Monophonics signed to Ubiquity for 2012s In Your Brain. They then went independent with 2015s Sound of Sinning on Transistor Sound. Following a handful of singles for Transistor Sound & Colemine, Monophonics released their fifth album, It's Only Us, on Colemine this year.

Monophonics - In Your Brain, Ubiquity URCD299, 2012.
all decryption codes in comments

Looking Ahead
There's a Riot Going On
In Your Brain
Sure is Funky
All Together
Say You Love Me
They Don't Understand
Foolish Love
Thinking Black
Bang Bang
Keep Looking Ahead

& now that we've done mono, how about poly...

Polyrhythmics is an 8-piece funk & worldbeat Orchestra comprised of some of Seattle’s finest rhythmic musicians. Their music is heavy on the grooves & dynamic rhythmic interplay.

Libra Stripes is their second full length record. Here the Polyrhythmics are: Ben Bloom - guitar: Nathan Spicer - keyboards; Jason Gray - bass;  Scott Morning- trumpet; Art Brown - saxophone; Elijah Clark - trombone; Grant Schroff - drums; & Lalo Bello - percussion.

Polyrhythmics - Libra Stripes, Kept Records KPT-1001, 2013.

Libra Stripes
Pupusa Strut
Moon cabbage
Snake in the Grass
Skin the Fat
Mr. Wasabi Rides Again
