17 October 2007


Nathan Nothin' here!

Some more ByProducts for your musical edification.
These four songs are from a 4-song cassette recorded
& engineered by Bart Thurber at House of Faith May
This was the original line-up of the ByProducts
(Doug Gwosdz - guitar,
Billy Ko - drums & vocals,
Craig Parrotte - bass & vocals).
These are song of the bands most righteous tunes,
before the evil influence of Otto Destruct.
I remember seeing The ByProducts do these songs
at the roof-top stage at Dinuba Embassy
before I became an Ambassador-at-Large.
They were playing with the Fuckboyz
& that was the night Matty Luv was wearing
only a rubber chicken on his schlong.
Great musical moments that no words can
truly convey, so listen & enjoy.

Santa Cruz


  1. At first, when the ByProducts kicked me out of the band, I was, understandably, hurt and angry, as I just couldn't see how I was affecting the band. Since then, I've come to the conclusion that they were right, of course. Craig, Doug, if you're listening, it's high time I apologized to you.

  2. I forgot to add:

    Sometime later, after the demise of the ByProducts, the roginal trio - me, Craig and Doug - tried to get back together as the "Original" ByProducts but I threw them another curve. This time I unceremoniously moved 3,000 miles away to live in New York City with my then girlfriend (now WIFE) Karen, whom I met over the internet, back inthe days when people just didn't do that kind of thing...

  3. Billy,

    Thanks for your comments & bit o' the old history. I know Craig drops by NSS quite often & I talk to him regularly & he talks to Dug occasionally, so I'll tell him to check out the comments & pass them on.

    Food King & Dug mighta been right about kickin' you out, but the ByProducts were never the same without you.

    The first time I saw you guys playin' up at Dinuba Embassy, I was blown away. Beef is the shit.

    Thanks for the mammaries.

  4. Hey there, Craig! I have the tape featured here, plus the first tape that we made on CD. The tapes had been duplicated at too slow a speed which made them play back too fast. I "stretched" the waveforms out so they play back at what I believe to be close to the original speed/pitch. I've also run some noise reduction and re-equalized them. You'll here a LOT more detail in the music as a result, and tape hiss is pretty much gone.

    Nathan, would you like a copy?

  5. Billy,

    October 7th...just got around to checking comments on old posts & saw this. Sorry it's been so long. If you see this reply, I'd love a copy.

    Stay kool, fool.

  6. Well then you'd better leave me an address where I can send the CD! ;)

