13 January 2008

Sometimes I Feel Like I'm on LSD

This post has been updated August 3, 2013.

 The Sterilles - On the Rag, Screaming Skull Records, 1987.
decryption code in comments

Produced by Spike Marlin at Gallery II Studios

The Sterilles (original line-up):
Dina Marie Price-Press (natural blonde) - guitars,vocals
Aan Leadingham (no tattoos) - bass, vocals
Ashley Stewart (don't ask) - drums, background vocals

Side One -

On the Rag
You're So Glam it Hurts

Side Two -

Gravy Sucking Pig
Sometimes I Feel Like I'm on LSD

"On the Rag"
I'm on the rag
Get me a Kotex
How about a Pamprin
I hate men

I'm on the rag
I'm on the rag
I swollen like a pig
Get me a Pamprin
My boobs hurt

I'm on the rag
I'm on the rag
Get me a Kotex
I'm on the rag
I hate you
I hate me
'cause I'm on the rag

I'm on the rag
I'm on the rag
Get me a Kotex
I'm on the rag
I hate you
I hate me
'cause I'm on the rag

I'm on the rag
I hate men
Don't even think about it tonight
Of course I'd be wearing white

I'm on the rag
I'm on the rag
Get me a Kotex
I'm on the rag
I hate you
I hate me
'cause I'm on the rag

I'm on the rag
I'm on the rag
Get me a Pamprin
I'm on the rag
I hate you
I hate me
'cause I'm on the rag

I'm on the rag
I'm on the rag
Get me a Pamprin
I'm on the rag
I hate you
I hate me
'cause I'm on the rag

I'm on the rag
Get me a Kotex
I'm on the rag
I hate you
I hate me
'cause I'm on the rag

& I can go horseback riding & swimming & even put it in my sock!


 Sic F*cks - Sic F*cks, Sozyamuda Records, 1982.
decryption code in comments

Produced by Adny Shernoff (The Dictators)
for Swingtime Productions

In memory of John Belushi & Lester Bangs
See & Hear The Sic F*cks in the Motion Picture
Alone in the Dark

Alone in the Dark (1982) – Slasher formula gets skewed all to hell in this one. Donald Pleasance, Jack Palance, & Martin Landau do what they do best: Chew up that fucking scenery with some absurd overacting!! Inventive kill scenes (a hospital orderly is broken in half across another
man’s knee) & a strange humanization of the villains shows some desire to go leftfield with what is otherwise a genre exercise. It’s as if the screenwriter had a minor stroke prior to the last three rewrites. Something must occur to release the bad guys, & it happens after Potter's sister (Lee Taylor-Allan) comes to stay. She's also had mental health problems, but is sympathetic in a 'hey, they're not all dangerous' kind of way. When she takes Potter & Nell out to see a band (the Sic F*cks as themselves), there's an electricity cut at the nuclear power plant meaning the town is plunged into darkness. Best scene: Jack Palance wondering into a punk rock club & becoming oddly captivated by the band, The Sic Fucks doing "Chop Up Your Mother".


America's first punk rock shop began as an extension of Tish & Snooky Bellomo's closet. "Everybody was always copying our style," Snooky recalled, "so we wondered if we could
sell it" The result was Manic Panic, which was a fixture at 33 St. Mark's Place from its
June 1977 opening until it closed early in 1989.

"You wouldn't believe this neighborhood back then," said Tish. "the East Village had bottomed out, and most of the storefronts on St. Marks place were empty. We took this place for $250 a month, which seemed like a lot."

Snooky admitted that they knew little about operating a business when they opened the shop. "We started with a few go-go boots & two racks of clothes brought from home in the Bronx. But people were afraid to come into this neighborhood at first. Some days we'd make fifty cents when somebody bought a button from us. But then we started getting good press & things began to change."

Expanding beyond the basic stock of motorcycle jackets & Doc Martin boots, Manic Panic stocked such glitter-punk accessories as turquoise hair dye, metallic gold corsets, wigs, glitter eyeliner, stage blood, liquid latex, & spike-heeled shoes. "You couldn't order spike heels back then," Tish said. "You had to find them. We'd go into old stores and ask if they had any old stock, & they'd say 'Yes, but nothing you girls would want, just old spike heels.' & they wouldn't believe it when we'd buy them out, maybe a hundred pairs in their original boxes. We'd bring them back here & display them on the walls, put them in the windows, just the greatest stuff. Like that place down on Reade Street, remember, Snooky? That place Debbie Harry found?"

Debbie Harry was more than an early celebrity customer-- Tish and Snooky were backup singers with the punk group Blondie in its early dates at CBGB. "Before they got signed," Tish added, with no trace of regret.

"So we got together a group called the Drop-Outs," said Snooky, "& then in 1977 our friend Russell Wolinsky came by the shop & put us in this new band he was starting for one show at CBGB's. He called the group the Sic F*cks, spelled with an asterisk because 'All we need is U!' Anyway, we packed the place 'cause everybody wanted to see what kind of crazy band would call itself the Sic F*cks. Then Lester Bangs gave us this terrific write-up, so we kept doing it, made a record, & still do one concert a year."

Side One -

(Take Me to) The Bridge

Side Two -

Insects Rule my World
Spanish Bar Mitzvah
Rock or Die
Chop up Your Mother



  1. OMG, Thank You!!!

    About 20 years ago I heard "On the Rag" on KROQ. I didn't hear them say who performed it and have been searching for it ever since. You wouldn't believe how many CDs with the word "rag" in the title that I bought hoping that it would be the song I heard. I've searched on the net off and on for the song or lyrics.

    Now, bam...here it is!!!

    I love you.

  2. Just a gentle reminder that there exists... http://thesterilles.com though those middle aged grills don't update the blog very much. Thanks for finding such an obscure record and posting it...

  3. thank you so fuckin much for sic f*uck's "chop up your mother"! it's impossible to find it!

  4. wow, really great to see the whole sterilles record on your blog!
    discovered them thanks to a cd that chuck warner from hyped to death records sent me few years ago. but there was only the "you're so glam it hurts" song on it. shame there wasn't the "on the rag" song, or more tracks by the sterilles, because they are really great!
    by the way, what an amazing blog you have. lots of interesting noise on it! so great it hurts.

    all the best,
    edu "jove moix"

  5. thank you, thank you, thank you!

  6. THNX very much.. i saw the movie alone in the dark 15 years ago, i was always searching 4 this soundtracks. thnx again from freddy leeuwarden holland netherlands


    >>>About 20 years ago I heard "On the Rag" on KROQ. I didn't hear them say who performed it and have been searching for it ever since. You wouldn't believe how many CDs with the word "rag" in the title that I bought hoping that it would be the song I heard. I've searched on the net off and on for the song or lyrics.>>>

  8. On the rag shot up to #1 on WBCN about 20 years ago. Never thought I would hear it again.

  9. I can't find that Sterilles record ANYWHERE. I know it's out of print, but it's not even available at a ridiculous mark-up on Ebay. Hold on you your glorious prize (and re-post the MP3!!).

  10. Thanks very much for posting these songs! It's a shame you can only find the live versions anywhere.

  11. Thank you thank you thank you! Now that I have found _On The Rag_ my life is worth living again.

  12. Been looking for chop up your mother forever. thanks!

  13. UGH!! On the Rag is no longer there. :o(

    Can you re-upload please? :o)


    1. I searched everywhere through my back-up files but to no avail. Couldn't find these even in the most outre places. I have both of the above vinyl records. I think they art with my collectible records at my storage unit. I will look for them Thursday, but won't be able to rip them & re-post 'til Saturday. Check back either Thursday/Friday for an update or later this week-end.

    2. Found both records in only the twelfth box I looked through. I'll rip them & upload them Saturday. I'll try to re-up them then or Sunday. Thanks for your patience.

    3. Well, it;s all done. Both records are re-ripped, re-uploaded to MEGA, & ready to go.

      decryption codes:
      On the Rag
      Sic F*cks

  14. Thankyou!!!

  15. "On the Rag" is on a KROQ aircheck at http://www.djcraig.net/80sradio

    It's within the "KROQ Archival Recording #2" @ the 20:21 mark.

  16. You are a great man. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to make this music available.

  17. Thank you very much for this post and also the "re-up." I have only listened to The Steriles thus far (due to time limitations) and found it to be a work of genii.


    1. Anything for a fellow Nathan (& G looks almost like Ø).
