03 February 2008

Groundhog Day

Obviously I haven't been doing much posting here recently.

Had a lot on my plate as is said.

Waited for Groundhog Day to get my meteorology report, you
know, the "Science of Weather". What better to trust than a
marmot (not a ferret).

Since I could care less about the Stupor Bowl
(the Patriots, give me a break),
I'm not wasting the day like much of America.
I haven't been able to sit still for more than a few minutes,
too much turmoil boiling up in my head,
so I've haven't been able to prepare any music to present. However...

I'm totally hot for chip...no wait, oh yeah, Feb.4 - UK,
Feb.5 - US,
Hot Chip - Made in the Dark
I'm recommending it, & if you can't wait, try
Clash Magazine

Hot Chips MySpace

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