22 February 2008

Here Come the Warm 45s, Pt. II...

MDC - "Thanks for giving me what I didn't want...", New Red Archives NRA 41, 1993.

The title song is a reaction to the artificially generated nationalistic Judeo-Christian holidays foisted on the submissive masses & also a call to arms against holidays like Columbus Day & Thanksgiving. More & more Americans each year are using these holidays as days of resistance, with un-Thanksgiving celebrations happening around the country.

In the summer of 1992, MDC toured Russia, the first American hardcore band to do so. During the summer, things in Russia are relatively good, it is warm & food is relatively plentiful, but not far off is the cruel Russian winter, thus "The Winter of '92".

In the words of MDC, "If Christmas doesn't sit well with you, celebrate the Winter Solstice---a much older & more natural day to recognize. Easter shmeaster...celebrate spring! Do pacifist feelings have you confused? Fuck Vetrans' Day---march for Martin Luther King,Jr. no matter what Arizona's Governor thinks. You can invent your own holidays, then call your boss & tell him or her you're taking the day off. IT'S YOUR YEAR---DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH IT!"

Call them Millions of Dead Cops, Multi-Death Corporation, Millions of Dead Christians, whatever...MDC always fights for social, sexual, racial, & global justice.

MDC are: Dave Dictor - voice, Chris Wilder - guitar, backing vocals, Erica Liss - bass, & Al Schvitz - drums. Engineered by Matt Kelley & Gary Creiman (GRC) at Hyde Street Studios, San Francisco, Ca. Produced by MDC & GRC. Two songs by MDC, one by Johnny Cash (you guess which one), Cover art & concept by Mark Tippin. Russian lines in "Winter" by Max Naive

Side 1a - Thanks for Giving Me What I Didn't Want
Side 1b - The Winter of '92
Side 2 - Big River

ripped from beautiful translucent red vinyl

Charles Manson "I'm on Fire" b/w "The Hallways of the Always",White Devil Records,WD-001, 1994.

I usually try to give a bit of info about the band or performer for the uninitiated, but about this performer what can I say that isn't already known? About the record then...

The a-side "I'm on Fire" is variously credited as being taken from either Live at San Quentin (songs & improvisations actually recorded at Vacaville in 1983) or White Rasta (same songs as Live... but in an alternate order) or else the Commemoration CD (this CD was released in 1994 to commemorate Manson's sixtieth birthday and to commemorate ..."sixty years of struggle against cowardice, stupidity & lies"), but track lists of all three of these show no song "I'm on Fire". The more I listen to this the more I get a Captain Beefheart meets Butthole Surfers vibe. I think I must be on fire.

The b-side "The Hallways of the Always" is taken from the Commemoration session which yielded Manson's first studio album in the 25 years since Lie. It was recorded in a small studio set up at the Vacaville Medical Facility chapel; exceptional sound quality throughout. Compiled from Sept. 1982, April 1985 & Sept. 1984 session tapes.

The ATWA logo on the reverse sleeve is variously said to be an acronym for Air • Trees • Water • Animals or All • The • Way • Alive The defenders of ATWA state: "Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment / test on or for our sport or entertainment. We are all intertwined & one with the Universe. We are a part of nature not apart from nature. ATWA(Air.Trees.Water.Animals) is our only truth."

Digitally remastered by Bob Ferbrache & Jim Banner. Front & back cover art by Nick Bougas.

Enjoy (if you dare)


  1. Wow! Thanks for the posting!

  2. If you're looking, you can find more of Manson's stuff at Manson Music
