17 May 2008

More Holy Sh*t

Guess I'll stick with the God theme for a while. (God's Chosen People - last post).

I wanted to present something by the great Tos Nieuwerhuizen. Since I see Jesus & the Gospelfuckers (& [Dutch] Agent Orange) have been well represented on the 'net, I decided to go for Tos' next divine band, GOD.

Tos played guitar in J&tGFers, & [Dutch]Agent Orange, then he completely transformed Communion era Funeral Oration's sound with his meaty power chords & Black Flag-meets-Gen X soloing. Soon thereafter, things sadly imploded for Funeral Oration & Tos left to reappear in God. He later played guitar in Beaver (2000) & currently I believe plays Moog in the live version of Sunn O)).

"Settling Down" is a great Motörhead-sounding track, "Teste Marce" is a challenging & complex tune, but my favorite is "Stomping Ground", an awesome ragin' slab.

Konkurrel K 031/110,

Tos Nieuwenhuizen: guitar, vocals
Michael Cavanagh: bass guitar, vocals
Daan Van Der Elsken: drums, vocals

Recorded Oct.1987 at Westlink Recorders, Pisa by GOD & Alexandro "Ovi" Sportelli, re-mixed 1988 by Ovi & Daan. Cover photo by Ed Van Der Elsken. Includes lyric sheet.

Side 1:
See Smoke, Smell Fire
The Finger
Settling Down

Side 2:
Teste Marce
Stomping Ground
Sack Blabht
So Be It!
The Asset of Punishment



  1. Nathan,
    Thanks for the comment over at my space. I posted up an album you may be interested in (if you don't have it already).

    I know what you mean, that I should engage more... I wish blogger had the ability to reply to comments. Well, wishing and a buck fifty will get me...wait... a buck fifty will hardly buy a bottle of soda nowadays!

    Anyhum... I'll try stay a bit better connected.


  2. Hey! Interesting blog. I have a radio show I recorded back in 1994 from Stanford University's 90.1 FM KZSU featuring an interview with Bart Thurber, and music he recorded/produced. If you're interested I can digitize it and let you know where the links are. Just say the word (here I guess) and I'm on it.

  3. Did you say GOD!

    Here you go.


    & view moi's other YouTube flicks for more on the subject.

    Stay on groovin' safari,
