28 June 2008

What the F? - part - What the F?

Was going to post up 45 Grave Autopsy but I realized all you purist would start bitchin' that 45 is a #
but I still think it starts with an F'ing F!

All that being said, I never could have come close to the glory of this post, I leave you with this...

(everything 45G you can imagine & more...
Black Cross & Phantoms eps
& pre-45G The Consumers)

our favorite Heavy-Metal-Psychedelic-Post-Punk-What-the-Fuck-Ghoul-Rockers.
by Zombs

Zombs sez...
Some folks can see dead people...
I live among them!.
Welcome to ovens of hell!!!

Ver todo mi perfil

The following poem appears under the heading...

Aquel día me desperté
y a mi entorno nada ví
Una oscuridad profunda
rodeaba todo mi ser
Un frío recorría mi cuerpo
y un sudor bañó mi piel
Estaba enterrado vivo ...

Puse atención a todo
y nada pude oir
Quise levantarme
y no pude mover los pies
Quise mover las manos
y nada pude hacer
Estaba enterrado vivo ...

Habré de morir desesperado
o de asfixia tal vez
Los gusanos me comerán
y yo me pudriré
Estaba enterrado vivo
Estaba enterrado vivo
Estaba enterrado vivooo..

(roughly translated)

That day I awoke
& around me I saw nothing
The deep darkness of obscurity
surrounded all my being
A cold crept cross my body
& a sweat bathed my skin
It was buried alive…

I put my attention to everything
& nothing I could hear
I wanted to rise
& I could not move my feet
I wanted to move my hands
& nothing I could do
It was buried alive…

I will have to die of desperation
or perhaps of asphyxiation
The worms will eat me
& I will rot

I was buried alive
I was buried alive
I was buried aliveeeeeee...


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