21 August 2008

For John Dillenger - In Hope He is Still Alive

by S. Clay Wilson, 1988.

Don't usually respond well to 'anonymous'. Even if you don't have a blogger or Google account, you could put your name at the end of your comments. I mean, just make up a handle, fer X's sake. That being said, since the "late great word magickian" is among my top-honored Insects, here's a taste.

I'm really just posting this for its informational value. Check out UBUWEB, a great resource for things highly literary on the 'Net. They have a plethora (is 43 a plethora??? - I'm sure 23 is[83 as of this re-up]) of Viral language from Old Bill here.

K-9 Was in Combat with the Alien Mind-Screens (13:29) from Break Through in Grey Room
( Early cut-up of tapes made by Ian Sommerville and WSB around 1965, probably in New York & London. )



  1. Yeah, I've debated not allowing anonymous comments over at my spot, but... I get so few visitors that I'm afraid of alienating anyone...

    But, anyhum... since you're doing Uncle Bill goodness and all, I've uploaded something you may like (if you haven't got it already):

    The Burroughs Box set.

  2. My humblest apologies Nate, I was reared on acid broth. I've only recently stumbled...and admired your taste for Bazooka Joe, "Why, Why, did he have to die?" (a song lyric I believe) I lost that 45 some time ago, but I digress.
    So salutations, the Names:Gr.
    P.s. I may not be able to upload, on account of a sub standard franken-computer of 7 yrs. age, but I'll try to find your "wishes". if not I'll request from others, a whole communall (sic) thing. Thank you.

  3. thanks... just added you back


  4. Thanks Matt, Gr, & Felipe

    Matt- I'm snaggin' the Burroughs right now. Ya can't ever have enough Wild Bill.

    Gr - My bad, I thought the GR at the end of your last comment was just a sound you were making. I've got "Do What You Can", "Ignorance", "Morals", "Dress Rehearsal (live)" "12-1212 (live)", & "Clockwork Orange Boy (live)" by Bazooka Joe. Anything else would be greatly appreciated. If you're interested in any of those, let me know. If you could find Mood of Defiance Now lp, I would be forever in your debt.

    Felipe - I posted a link to your blog & left a comment over there, grabbed some Wayne County while I was there & I'll be back

    Thanks again everyone.

  5. Sure thing Nate, again pleasure to make your acquaintance. I have a Mood of Defiance Cd discography somewhere in the "stacks". I'll get to lookin'...And I've since lost the only album of Bazooka Joe, so any you can spare for me to chew would be a great accompaniment for all this goddamn Big Red soda I have!!

  6. I've never seen this S. Clay Wilson illustration. It's a beaut. UBUWEB is a wonderful resource, agreed. I have no wish to appear imbecilic, but I have often wondered whether the project has anything to do with Pere Ubu. Damn it, I've just gone and thrown caution to the wind...

  7. -------------(whoosh)----------(whew)------------

  8. In the Pere Ubu sense of Ubu Roi of Alfred Jarry which has to do with the naming of Pere Ubu of Cleveland.

    That wind blowing is blowing round & round, like...a tornado in Tornado Alley. (ta da!)

  9. Ah, Ubu Roi! I am such a philistine at times I offend even myself. Thanks for the polite heads-up!
