13 September 2008

Napoleon compilation 7"

This one is a tip of the hat to Aesop over at Cosmic Hearse...

Various Artists - Napoleon comp. 7", Monkey Bite Records, 1994.

This Side:
Not So Happy - Rover's Last Thought
All You Can Eat - F is for Food
Baby Carrot - You're so One Us on Up
Drippy Drawers - Song About Life

That Side:
FuckBoyz - Errol Flynn was a Mother Fucker
A Minor Forest - Wussy
Positive Greed - Same Dreams
Forty Percent Saline Solution - I Give



  1. Ahhh, thank you. It's a great comp. Funny to read Matty's liners. I remember at least two really great lyrics from the song the first line I think is "Everyone in Hollywood should be spayed" and somewhere else in the song is the lyric "Rape used to be glamorous." Sheer hate poetry from Luv and myself. Let me know if you want I can upload the recent Fuckboyz retrospective CD for you to either post of just smoke dust to.

  2. This is pretty cool.

    There was a fanzine in the 90's called Monkeybite-- I gotta presume they had nothing to do with this though because they were pretty much only into Slap-a-Ham type hardcore.
