05 October 2008

Treasure Island report - pt. 3

We finally had to bid TC & Jolene adieu after exchanging vitals & fluids. Late Friday afternoon Lao & I made our way back to our flop off of Mission to try to decompress before the start of the two-day Treasure Island Music Festival the next day. We laid around the room for a while smoking OJs (thanx TC) & then came to the unanimous consensus that we needed a few pints of plain to push us toward slumber. We walked up the street a few blocks until we spotted a likely looking dive. It looked like a quiet hang-out for locals & reprobates, just what we wanted. We slid onto a couple stools near the end of the bar, saw that they had Anchor Porter on tap & Imperial pints. We had found our oasis. We ordered two, then two more. I played a few games of pool & won drinking cash for the night, using Lao as my distraction with guys & gals alike. She's a mean mis-treater. While we were working our way through the Porter keg, a local band set up on the postage-stamp sized stage. I found out from the bartender they were called Andrew Would? Now, I was never a big fan (any size fan) of grunge, but the idea of a Mother Love Bone cover band seemed kinda interesting & the lead singer looked like a junkie. They proved to be good musickians & highly entertaining. By the time we crawled back to out racks we were well lubricated & well satiated. We both fell asleep thinking "This is Shangrila". & except for the sound of scurrying cockroaches & the trips to the head down the hall, it was.

Mother Love Bone - Apple, Polydor 843 191, 1990.


To be continued...


  1. hi nathan,
    sure! no problem at all :) yesss, the sterilles were GREAT.
    also nasal sex... i mean, a band with that name has to be good for sure!!!

    keep doing so great job!
    all the best,

  2. MLB, when i first got to hear that stuff i went like, "here we go again!" but Malfunkshun with Andrew The Landrew was quite good. But nothing beats Skin Yards' "HAllowed Ground". Best seattle album ever.

