05 February 2009

Blind Blake

Blind Blake & his Guitar - He's in the Jailhouse Now, Paramount Records 12565, 1927.


  1. Great record, but doesn't seem to fit in with the other music on the blog.

    But then again, what do I care, it's Blind Blake !

    thx, Mark

  2. Trying to get the big cover-up ( a previous blog of yours) keep getting a corrupted file?

  3. To anon...
    Just went back & checked the Big Cover-up...the links are good & the downloads are fine. Don't know what seems to be the problem. Click on part 1 or part to which takes you to drop.io. click on thebigcoverup heading & the options appear to download. Download away.

  4. to Mark,
    'doesn't seem to fit'???
    I post up whatever I feel like posting, depending on my mood at that particular moment. If I have it, it'll probably end up here sooner or later.

  5. GReat work! very inspiring...

    if you have time: see mine here ------> Fashion Suits
