17 February 2009

Drunk with Funk

UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 09/07/2013. Enjoy, NØ.

The Brainiacs were a rarity, a No Wave band from L.A. (maybe they were punk/funk, I'm not very good with the whole labeling/genre thing). They were an integral part of the L.A. punk scene of the late 70s/early 80s.

Young Marquis, The Punks, The Brainiacs, Dell & the Sensations,
Levi & the Rockats
- New Masque, February 3, 1979

The Brainiacs, The Spoilers
- Club 88, April 26, 1979

The Brainiacs
- Club 88, May 22, 1979

The Brainiacs, The Plugz
- Club 88, July 6, 1979

The Eyes, Brainiacs, Suburban Lawns
- Hong Kong Cafe, July 24, 1979

Suburban Lawns, Brainiacs
- Club 88, August 1979

The Vktms, The Brainiacs
- Club 88, August 31, 1979

The Brainiacs, Zilch
- Hong Kong Cafe, October 30, 1979

Mnemonic Devices, The Brainiacs
- Hong Kong Cafe, November 27, 1979

Nervous Gender, Fear, The Brainiacs
- Anti Club, December 6, 1979

The Clones, Subhumans, The Brainiacs
- Hong Kong Cafe, December 20, 1979

Frontman Wayzata Camerone was an L.A. musician who played sax & sang for The Brainiacs from 1979-1981. He also ran a notorious afterhours punk club frequented by X, Blasters, Plugx, Go-Go’s, Fear, Weirdos, etc.

photo by Wayzata Camerone
There is a blog administered by executors of his estate that features Wayzata’s rarely seen black-&-white photographs. His photography 'documents a nocturnal world fueled by restless desire'.

The Brainiacs - Drunk with Funk b/w Fashion Duress 12" 45rpm,
Mental Heath Records 004, 1981.
decryption code in comments

Wayzata Camerone - vocals & C melody saxophone; Jeff Freeman - rhythm guitar; John Shourt - lead guitar & keyboards; Scot Boyd - Fender bass & backing vocals; Dave Spafford - bells; & Vito 'Jack' Codini - skins & handguns.

A side: Drunk with Funk
B side: Fashion Duress



  1. Hey Nothin' you're running a *&^$%^%$ awesome blog here. Brainiacs' Drunk with Funk is damn catchy, thanks for posting. You've got a lot of really cool stuff on here. I didn't really have much to say about this group, but I didn't want to be a leech. Keep up the good work. PUNX!!!

  2. I am in love with this Wayzata Camerone picture. Reminds me very much of New Yorker, Richard Kerns. Thanks for the blog link to the Camerone site. Never seen this guy's work previously.

  3. Great post, but um.....is Wayzata no longer with us? I knew he and his brother Scott quite well, but Wayzata seemed to drop off the face of the Earth a number of years ago and none of my other aquaintances from the Zero/Zero days knew of his whereabouts. I did hear some rumor that he'd died, but none of the local music papers or blogs mentioned anything about it. I certainly hope that this isn't true but judging from the notation about his blog being managed by the "executors of his estate" seems to confirm that he's gone.

  4. Not certain if this is absolutely current, but I believe Wayzata is now an artist and instructor: http://markcameronboyd.com/resume.html

  5. Anonymous,
    Thank you ever so much. It does indeed say at the end of the resume that Mark Cameron Boyd was the singer songwriter for The Brainiacs. How did you find out this was Wayzata Camerone? I am going to have to attempt contact, as the resume appears to be current (has 2009 dates included).
    Thanks again, & I'll leave any further info somewhere in this post, either in the body as an update or in the comments.

  6. I'm curious to know if you ever made contact?

    I knew Wayzata/Mark back in the L.A. punk days, both on the club circuit (as Wayzata) and at a day job (as Mark). IIRC he had an MFA and teaching experience, even way back then. So it seems fitting to me that the link I posted would be him.

    May have to initiate contact myself - reading that bit about "his estate" came as a shock.

  7. Anonymous,
    I have tried numerous times & methods to contact Mark with absolutely no luck, positive or negative. If you do try, let me know you're results. I really appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

  8. Sure thing. Try Facebook if you haven't already: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/mcameronboyd?ref=search&sid=751377834.462753332..1

  9. Anonymous,

    Thanks. I went on Mark's facebook page & left a message. I let you know what I hear.

  10. Hello Nathan,

    I saw your Brainiacs post & the subsequent investigative reporting on the possible demise of "WDC." Rest assured: I live & breathe.

    I’ve turned my life around since those LA years: moved to MD to live w gorgeous Chinese woman (now married to her); completed my MFA degree in ’99 & began teaching art at U-MD & now Corcoran in DC since ’03 (teach art theory & collaborative studio practice); my blog continues my DC presence in critical theory [http://theorynow.blogspot.com].

    F-Book has been an amazing way to stumble upon old pals. You may recognize some of “Zero Survivors” in this group I started with Luci Diehl: http://www.facebook.com/pokes.php#/group.php?gid=62180695361&ref=ts

    Brainiacs broke up in '81 - no recording since "Drunk With Funk." (There are some "missing" 24-track masters with songs like "Gumshoe" & "Baby's Cake" - they'll surface someday, perhaps.) I will try to answer some questions if you want to send them my way [mcb@markcameronboyd.com] & we might talk about other ideas I have about posting anecdotes from my as-yet-unpublished memoirs, "The Zero Chronicles."

    Thanks for your kind words about the music & b&w photos. "Wayzata Camerone" blog is just a way to share some different work & it is empowering to know it generated your interest & support.

    MCB aka WDC

  11. As someone who appreciates the photography of Wayzata Camerone, we wanted to inform you that new negatives have been printed & are on the site now:

    Thanks for your interest & help us spread the word.

    India Jennings

  12. MEGA decryption code

  13. I still have my Brainiacs 45. I flew up to S.F. to see you guys @ the MAB.
    Anybody else get in trouble at the Strip club next door? Shout out to Ffej

  14. Thanks. Regards from Brazil.

    1. Greetings Brazil. Glad you found the Brainiacs. A truly international treat.
