09 April 2009

More News from KILL YOUR GODZ

Have you been to KILL YOUR GODZ. lately? Well, YOUR GODZ might as well be DEAD! Head over there today to hear a special gift from Black Ark Psychedelick Soul & Jazz Revue - Volume One/The Archive Series.

Black Ark Psychedelick Soul & Jazz Revue is a post dada/fluxus art movement committed to reinterpreting the codes & messages left from as far back as the late 50s - early 60s beat/pop/surreal/psychedelic scenes & all those left in it’s wake.

Then head back again tomorrow 10 April 2009 to hear Stpocold to get their release What Happened Outside.

Originating out of the Russian Federation, Stpocold is the experimental project of Swill Klitch and Ips Klitch. They are hoping to have their second full length cd out in 2009.

A Heathen Harvest review of their first cd What Happened Outside described them as;
"…experimental: noise with a human touch, an attempt to combine music & anti-music, sometimes followed by adding rhythmic structures (& turning in – rhythmically - minimal but multilayered, violent, abrasive rhythmic industrial music), consisting not only from the “drum sound” of different kinds like pulsating synthetic beats, scratches & noises, but also looped samples, all this flavored with female voice (which on the second track sounded as if it was going to sing as women in Indian movies do) & male declamations."

While you're there, don't be a leech. Leave a comment.


1 comment:

  1. Black Ark PSJR4/27/09, 7:17 AM

    Thank You very much for your support
