01 April 2009

The New Revolution

Just a note to let all the visitors here know that great things are going on over at Because God Told Me To Do It.

TheeBradMiller has started

He has begun a new blog called Kill Your Godz where bands can become members & post their own music for all to enjoy directly from the artists themselves.

Here's what TBM sez,

"KILL YOUR GODZ will be a new home for artists who need to be heard. Preferably unsigned artists. Contact me & let me act as the CLEARING HOUSE OF THE GODZ! (theebradmiler@yahoo.com)

It is time for a revolution. Are you on board. Sure, the Industrial Godfathers are entertaining... but wouldn't you want to be a GOD? Don't you think YOU should be a GOD?

April 1st through the 4th will show all the talent that it is out there. On the four Because God Told Me To Do It FREE DOWNLOAD releases you will hear the beginning of a REVOLUTION.

April first through 4th will see the releases begin to flow. I don't know the exact number of tracks, but it's around 50 something....

If you are interested in doing this again, then here is your opportunity. But there is a catch... & of course this catch could crash & burn the whole idea, but I am willing to give it a go. This time it won't be a free for all. This time it will be SLEEPCHAMBER cover tunes. It has to be a cover of a SLEEPCHAMBER song... any SLEEPCHAMBER song. For now I will make the deadline June 1st, with the release to follow a week after.

Have fun."

Well the first part, called Formulation, is available for FREE DOWNLOAD today & it is a great thing to hear (cover pictured above). Many of the artists are unsigned & perhaps unknown to most. They all deserve a listen. Also included is the awesome Phallus Dei, whose drummer / multi-instrumentalist RICHARD VAN KRUYSDIJK works with Niels van Hoorn (see previous post) in STRANGE ATTRACTOR so there is even a Pink Dots connection to satisfy my own mania.

As TBM sez, 'Have fun' & as Nathan Nothin' sez,



  1. Thank you sooo much for the plug. The feedback has been amazing!
