28 April 2009

A Thing of Beauty for Ear & Eye

Nezhadaylet Twistyzharr Sing While You May Edward Ka-Spel - Dream Logik Part Two, Beta-lactum Ring Records mt213, 2008.
Outside 5-fold
Inside 5-fold
cd sleeve Under the Junction Edward Ka-Spel: vocals, analogue & digital synthesizers, piano, organ, autoharp, broken things, technological wonders. Ghosts: the bits in between
Enjoy, NØ


  1. I listened to "I Could Not Find the Doorway" segue into "Under the Junction" on repeat. Glassy and compelling. I liked the ghosts in between too. And the artwork.

    Sing while you may.

    Edward Ka-Spel might be on to something.

  2. Love the artwork.


  3. Wow, flippin' incredible packaging! I've never heard of these guys, but I hope they put as much effort into their craft as they do their artwork.

  4. Oh, the packaging is icing on the cake. If you don't know this band, don't get started...they're addictive. A good place to start is the April 19th posting of The Whisper Wall. If you like what you find here & are ever jonesing for other LPD, let me know.

  5. Helo Nathan,
    i´ve been looking for Dream Logik for a long time now but it´s hard to find.

    Just like happened with the chemical playschools you are my last hope :-)
