16 June 2009

Computer Malfunction

Well, I have returned from the Land of the Dead...dead computer, that is. My old piece of shit had been on its last leg for a long while. Finally it was coughing up lung & inhaling its final breath. I had been putting off the evitable but it finally became inevitable. Yet every cloud, as they say, has a silver lining. I had a replacement that I bought used out of the Pennysaver for twenty-five clams.

It was a Pentium 4, 2.8GHz with 480MB RAM & 100GB hard drive.

My old beater was a P-3 with 1.33GHz, 256 Ram, but it had two 80GB hard drives Local C: & Local D: cuz the last time it broke, my motherboard fried & so I installed a new board & 80 drive, but left the other 80 in there.

I also have a 200GB Maxtor external hard drive that was getting kinda crowded with...well, stuff...you know.

Now I'm up & running on the new system, I wiped everything from the old one & re-installed bare-bones XP. Now all the 'stuff' is being stored on my old comp., now re-named Library.

My external has 151 GB free space once more. This new one is smokin' & its got 75.7 GB free. I've got a few more bugs to exterminate, but I should be good to go, so I'm hoping to be posting by tomorrow again.

Just thought I'd post this up to say 'Wassup!'


  1. "...kinda crowded..."

    I know that scenario.

    Congrats on getting sorted; I'm only just back online myself after a week or so of ripping every power socket free to repaint. Sounds like you are a whole lot better organized than me when it comes to moving shit around and remembering where you put it.

    I am just now catching up with Ethyl Meatplow and Invisible Chains.

    "Sal Mineo Youth Growing Up" ? What a great title!

  2. Welcome back. Computers suck and i had it when i had to reinstall two XP machines here myself (wifeys notebook being next..!)


  3. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
