14 January 2010

Let's Rock Again!

(from Streetcore 2003)

I just got finished watching the movie Let’s Rock Again which follows the newly revitalized Joe Strummer & his fantastic new band The Mescaleros on tour across the world in 2000 & 2001, not long before his untimely death. This film, as is said, touched my heart. M. Strummer was such a humble musickian, beautiful soul, & selfless human. & if there are any doubts about the quality of his new musickal path, it is set aside graphically by the great live performances captured in this warm, loving picture.

John Graham Mellor, better known as Joe Strummer.

He says his musickal heroes are Captain Beefheart & King Tubby. Mine, too (& Joe).

He was without a doubt one of the most powerful vocalists & greatest lyricists of our generation.

Though a majority of critics fail to see the absolute genius in his work with his new band, The Mescaleros, their musick would prove to be some of Joe’s most stunning work ever. Joe never abandoned his fierce, yet friendly demeanor. Strummer & Co. play everything from acoustic numbers to some of the finest straightforward rock & roll tunes that he has ever written. Somehow it is this later work of Strummer’s that truly show his talents, allowing us to see the entire discography of The Clash in a different light.

The Mescaleros stand today as one of the finest backing bands in history. Though much of the musick is more mellow & relaxed than his work with The Clash, Joe Strummer sounds as good & powerful as ever. Showcasing his trademark raspy, growling voice, Strummer re-stakes his claim as one of the greatest, most captivating vocalists in history. Joe gave the world musickal gifts unlike any other performer. Shaping & influencing countless musickians who followed, Strummer's name continues to demand the utmost respect to this day. After disappearing from the musick scene for eleven years, Strummer surrounded himself with some of the finest musickians & began to explore new musickal territory, creating some of the finest songs of his career.

Cementing his name as a legend, as well as proving that regardless of the style of musick one played, it was the soul behind the songs that mattered most, Joe Strummer was clearly on the verge once again when he was taken from this world far too soon. There are probably few moments in musick that are as heart-wrenching as the one found at the end of the album Streetcore. After playing the clean & stripped down, grab-life-by-the-balls song, "Silver & Gold," Strummer mutters his final ever recorded words, as he simply states, "OK, that's a take..." Such final words, eerily predicting his passing (which would occur less than a week later), along with the overall sentiment of the song which stands as his last, are in many ways a fitting end for a man who truly lived through his music.

But having said all that, at the end of the movie, Joe’s words seem even more apt & less prophetic, but more true to the spirit of Joe ‘Woody’ Strummer...Let’s Rock Again!

Let's Rock Again!

Thank you for the musick, Joe. I’ll never forget you.



  1. I haven't heard this before, NØ. Cheers.

    I tried hard to like The Mescaleros but, y'know, it just wasn't the Clash. My loss.

    I suspect you might already know this, but John "Drumbo" French has a new book out - "Beefheart: Through the Eyes of Magic", no 'k'- which sets out his role as witting, but reluctant, "hostage" to Van Vliet; an addition to Zoot Horn Rollo's "Lunar Notes".

    Have you read it yet ? I am kurious. I don't know if it had an earlier release in the US, but chances are.

    French is unrepentant in exposing flaws in Beefheart's character and modus operandi, and equally at pains to point out that he is not out to assassinate Beefheart's artistic reputation.

    From an interview with David Sinclair in London's 'Sunday Times':

    "He was a bully and a tyrant, but it's like a family thing. Your brother or your sister might treat you like crap, but they're still family."

    As for Joe...

    The fact that he cites King Tubby as hero says it all, really. How can one argue ?

    Thanks again for all the dub these past few weeks. Last but not least, I am still reeling from the monumental earthquake that is "Water Dub".

    Monumental. Like Beefheart without the whip and searing intensity to do it all his way.

  2. theodorejackson1/24/10, 12:10 AM

    Man..Mescaleros were the last new band I absolutely loved...they could do no wrong..I went and watched the movie right after reading your posting..what a sight to see Strummer hustling his own shows..hear him talk about playing to empty rooms..and it makes ya feel ok about experiencing and doing the same things...I thought he was just hitting a peak when he passed...still thought of often

  3. to theodorejackson,
    thanks for the comment. the humbleness of M. Strummer was one of the most touching parts of the film...'hustling his own shows' indeed...when he went to that radio station in New Jersey & almost had to beg his way in...man, that was reality. I agree with you wholeheartedly that he was hitting a peak when it ended for him...we can only dream what more he had within his musickal soul. Thanks again for the kind words.

  4. Ive only just found your blog! Any chance of reupping the links to these posts? Thanks so much. BG

    1. The only link on this post is the song "Get Down Moses". It is working great. Just click the song title & away you go to MEGA-Land. If there are other links not working, let me know.

  5. Let me know either way. Thanks again!
