13 February 2010

Hey Mr. President

Haven't been too inspired to post lately. I've been getting caught up on the best(s) of 2009 recently. Haven't really heard a hella lot that I'd call BEST any ole year, but that's just me. Also been filling in some gaps in my Muslimgauze. Just got twelve more, making a total of: 101 Muslimgauze releases; plus all four E.g. Obligue Graph; five splits; Muslimgauze meets The Rootsman Al Aqsa Intifada remixes...but there's never a bottom to that well (anyone interested in any, let me know, I'll get ya the list, we'll talk). Got the idea of posting this from Brother Ib


The Electric Prunes - Hey Mr. President b/w Flowing Smoothly, Reprise RV 20198, 1969.


Enjoy, NØ


  1. The Muslimgauze hole is deep indeed. But ya gotta love it. I believe there are 200 official releases.

  2. Yay! Don't know this later Prune serving at all, so thank you, NØ.

    My tastebuds have been sufficiently revitalized after wallowing - of my own volition - in the lachrymose nadir of a certain 1976 45 release, that this post prompted me to look up "Mass in F Minor"; don't know the David Axelrod period stuff at all, beyond the mash-up in Easy Rider.

  3. Ib,

    The background to the bizarre twist of events leading to the Electric Prunes’ 1968 album Mass in F Minor needs some explanation. The Prunes’ previous LP, Underground, had been the most accurate representation of their growing experimental psychedelic vision, particularly as they wrote the majority of the material. However, it had not sold too well or yielded a hit single. The producer David Hassinger was not interested in experimentation as much as he was a commercial record. With Electric Prunes manager Lenny Poncher & arranger David Axelrod, a new strategy was hatched in which Axelrod would write & arrange an album combining classical musick, the sort of Gregorian vocals heard in some religious music, & freakout psychedelia. It would be sung in Latin, no less.

    Whether the Electric Prunes were suitable vehicles for this experiment is questionable, Although it is the band on the first three songs (“Kyrie Eleison” “Gloria” & “Credo”), a Canadian group The Collectors (later known as Chilliwack) were enlisted to complete the album, although James Lowe did all the lead vocals.

    The Prunes broke up later in 1968 due to both artistic & financial frustrations. James Lowe was the first to go, although one tour was done with a lineup including some of the original Prunes & a then-unknown Kenny Loggins(???). There were two more albums that were Electric Prunes in name only, as the name belonged to Dave Hassinger. None of the musickians on those two albums played on the first three ‘REAL’ Electric Prunes’ albums.

    As you mentioned, the most well-known song is "Kyrie Eleison" because it was used in Easy Rider.

  4. Wow, I wasn't aware of this at all. Great post. I was really lucky and got to interview The Electric Prunes once. You can check it out at: http://www.kreetik.com/1/post/2009/09/interview-with-the-electric-prunes.html

  5. Hello NØ again do you have by the way some more Rootsman meets Muslimgauze ? Thanks

    1. Good to hear from you again, even if in this weird neck of the woods. Give me a couple days & check back. I have a post I'm getting ready with some The Disciples/The Rootsman material. After I post that, leave me a comment. I have the above mentioned Muslimgauze meets The Rootsman Al Aqsa Intifada & a couple more I'll link up in the comments there.
