23 May 2010


I know I'm a Luddite. 

Every so often I go back through all my posts & physically dig out the latest comments. 

My life has been in turmoil lately so I haven't checked regularly. Friday I noticed three friends commented on different things on two separate posts.  

Anonymous wanted to let me know that the link to Dark Star - Travelogue II was no longer working & Quiscalas wanted to know if I could post Dark Star - Headtrip.  

Done & done.  

bunchterror let me know that the Pigbag link was down, so I re-upped that & posted two more Pigbag releases as a way of saying thanks. It takes a lot of thought & effort to post good musick. I truly appreciate it when folks take the time to let me know when links are down. I always try to respond with a little extra as well. To those of you who asked & all the rest of you that might care... 

Another re-up - kontort let me know about a problem with the LPD file Live at the Metro that was requesting a password. None of the posts here at NSS should require passwords. If they do, please let me know. Thanks kontort. 

 Enjoy, NØ


  1. It's always a pleasure to read a new post here. As much as the trials are upon you, it is heartening to know your hand has not been stilled.

  2. hello.
    great blog!
    one question -
    what is the password for all LPD on ''http://drop.io/'' ?
    i do not seem to know this....


  3. Anonymous,
    You'll have to be more specific. There are numerous Pink downloads on drop.io. As far as I know, nothing I post requires a password. I tried downloading several & unpacking them, no problem & no password request. On drop.io, click on the album name, then fill in the verifying humaness prompt, hit enter & you should be good to download. Then open with whatever you normally use, winrar, 7zip, whatever. Let me know which file & I'll cfheck it out.

  4. right.
    Stone Circles downloaded without any problems, but it asks me for a password for 1 part of Live at the Metro, Chicago.....

  5. to kontort,
    Must have had server problems. I couldn't even access the file myself, so I uploaded the whole thing again. It should be an even better rip. Thanks for letting me know about the problem. If there is anything else by LPD that you might like, let me know here & I'll try to hook you up. None of my posts here should be password protected.
