14 August 2010

Go Fuck Your Music Reviews


During the 1990s resurgence of punk rock & the alternative labels’ ‘feeding frenzy’, I used to get a lot of musick from the DIY, anti-corporate Rot’en Roll Records folks out of East Northport, NY who released 7” records to the fans for a dollar apiece. Negative Reaction, Violent Society, Youth Gone Mad, Bastard Squad & many many more cool as shit bands got their chance to be heard thanks to the Rot’en Roll folks.

Well, here’s a compilation from Stink Box Records out of River Edge, NJ, another DIY outfit, distributed by Rot’en Roll with thirty songs by 12 different bands. They recorded 4000 copies & gave them to the bands for free, to give away or sell for no more than $3. Think about that for a minute. Also, it states that unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance & broadcasting of this record encouraged.

Various Artists - Go Fuck Your Music Reviews
Stink Box & Rot’en Roll Records SBR002, 1996.
decryption code in comments

Tracklist -
What this CD is about
Test Toned

I Scream - Rump-le

Friday Night
Punk Skunk - Odd Normal

Blow ‘em Up
Chaos - Bomb Squadron

It’s Only Your Life
Corporate Cocksucker - Violent Society

Identity Crisis
Born to Lose - No Fraud

The Time is Now
Grasping at Straws
Yukon - Rest Assured?

Ode to Benny Hill
Blue - Nothing Yet

Rebecca - Felix Frump

New World
By the Way - Putrid Flowers

Judge’s Son
Hate - Dog Pound

Sinead - Grady

Sodium Kid Inc.
Silver Silver Gasoline - Fischer

Rot’en Roll will never die!


  1. I played this comp non-stop when I was in middle school.. is there any way you could reupload it somewhere? I can't find it anywhere

    1. I'll dig this out & re-upload it. It might take a few days. Check back here or on my newest post. Thank for the interest.

    2. I re-upped this to MEGA. I'm trying it out & have good hope for it. The decryption code is below. Go yo the link. Enter the decryption code & check terms acceptance. Then your ready to go. The only issue so far is MEGA. They use HTML5 & many browsers don't work. They recommend Google Chrome & offer a download. It's up to you.

    3. hey man, did you know Hiko, may have spelt his name wrong

  2. decryption code for file - G8vqfh9Ca63yCBc_SglJ4j9peKEM8NDDrn-T-loKDyM

  3. i recorded with Hiko in the 90's RUMPLE good kick ass fun my name is Jeff Schuler
