25 December 2010

At the Drive In at Xmas Tyme

UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 08/22/2013. Enjoy, NØ.

Even thought I’m not an Xtian, I get a kick out of the holidays. I've got to admit that some of my friends are definitely geeks & some of my closest friends are total musick geeks, which has its real advantages this time of year.

I’ve been selling off parts of my record collection in a move to down-size my life to a more realistic, less materialistic level. So some of my musick geek friends have taken it upon themselves to attempt giving me musick that I will desire so much that I’ll be forced to keep it, no matter what my financial or habitational situation.

The holiday season is made for these (5, mainly) geeks friends. They all gifted me with 'invaluable' records, to my chagrin as well as benefit.

Two of these presents I mention here now, along with public (blogland) thanks.

My friend MAJ sent me Gila Monster’s Scottishe Grammophon 7". It contains flyers, stickers, & three different interchangeable covers. Why it is most prized by me is because Jer Reid, of Glasgow noise outfit Dawson, plays guitar on "Scaredom". This is a rarity with which I won’t be parting. Thanks, babe.

Then my friend Horsefly topped everything. He is an artiste as well as musick geek & he hand-made me a silver box that he filled with some of the greatest musick I now safeguard.

I am sure anyone familiar with my bizarre musickal tastes know I’m a large fan of The Mars Volta. Well, I will brave the limb I am climbing & say that The Mars Volta were unnecessary if only At the Drive In had not folded or imploded or whatever. At the Drive In played some of the tastiest, most articulated PUNK RAWK around, kinda like a West Texas Clash, only completely different.

ATDI is one band that I never get tired of hearing, or ranting on about, as Horsefly well knows from many chemically-fueled late-night talk & rawk sessions at the Casa Nada. Well, not only did he create the box this box set came in, but filled it with the following vinyl:

3 12"ers -
1998 In/Casino/Out (clear vinyl)
200 Relationship of Command
2001 Live in Tokyo (yellow vinyl)

1 10"er -
1999 Vaya (white vinyl)

3 7"ers -
1995 ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo!
200 Invalid Litter Dept. (yellow vinyl)
2000 One Armed Scissor...

I don’t even have the words to express my overwhelming gratitude. For your listening pleasure...

At the Drive In - ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo! 7“, Western Breed, 1995.
decryption code in comments



  1. I'm completely and utterly stunned by the homemade metal box filled with the ATDI vinyl! Has to be one of the most original and beautiful xmas presents I've seen ever.
    And a little ATDI anecdote - before these guys got huge they came to Pensacola and stopped by the record store where I was working. One of the guys was lagging behind and still walking around the side of the building towards the door. I had leaned out of the window and made some kind of scary sound to a friend going to his car and ended up scaring the crap out of the guy! When they all walked in his eyes were still rolling in the back of his head. I wasn't aware I'd actually scared that guy until the owner of the store told me later. LOL

  2. to IHateThe90s,
    thanks for the comment. always dig stories about bands or shows with a bit of personal history. makes everything more real.
    the gift was by far one of the most extreme I have ever received.

  3. Hello Nathan,
    I just saw your message asking about the Ka-Spel album's subject. I´m looking for Dream Logik Pt.1
    It´s amazingly impossible to get one of these albums here in MX, and even more impossible to get them online without having a credit card or paying an incredibly high amount for them; financial crisis is not a joke!
    So for now, personal exchange is the only way.
    If you would like to exchange, just ask and i´ll send you a list of my MP3 collection.

  4. By the way,
    any chance on melancholics anonimous too?
    thanks again!

  5. Oh, me again...
    don´t mean to flood but, do you know there are two more parts of dream logik? Dream logik pt 3, and Dream logik X.

  6. to Zanate,
    Knew there were two more parts. unfortunately I only have part 1 & part 2. I have melancholics, I'll have to find it, give me a couple days.

  7. To Zanate,
    found MA first place I looked so here it is.

  8. Got it! ThnX·NØ

  9. MEGA decryption code
