29 April 2011

R.I.P. Miss Poly Styrene

I posted some live X-Ray Spex from CBGBs over at Digital Meltd0wn.
If you need some Marianne Elliot-Said that'll have to do.
What can I say?
What a firecracker!
All us punx, x-punx, & x-ray spex are gonna miss ya.


  1. ciao poly la tua voce e la tua musica mi mancheranno

  2. to sg.,
    truly missed (& thanks for the heads-up about you know who - he can't be mentioned on this blog as per his instructions for fear of the Brain Police).
    ai luis,
    ringraziamenti per & di visita; lasciare un commento. tutti noi be siamo diminuiti dal suo passaggio.

  3. Yeah dood...Just trying to get a hold of you. Would like to drop by and visit. Left a message at the outgun address.
