09 May 2011

Love them Freaks

I think I first heard about/heard this over at Mutant Sounds. I downloaded it & listened to it on a regular basis, then finally the other day I got my hands on a copy. You can try it out & if you like it, you can go over to the Freaks Amour website & get all their stuff. I was having trouble with one track & I contacted Stuart Werner from Freaks A. He e-mailed me back the very next day saying the link was fixed & telling me about another track that was corrupted that I might want to re-dl. Beyond the call of duty & very kool indeed.

Freaks Amour released this in 1989 privately on their own Nart label. Residing somewhere in the Connecticut netherworld between Pere Ubu & the Velvet Underground. Regressive...a stone-age approach to musick...grungy, simplistic noise, best when improvised. NART...that which is not art.This is an amazing amalgam of improvised psych music of guitar, found objects & some simple electronics.

Freaks Amour here: Rich Vaughan - cello, toy piano, & voice; Grant Miller - guitar; & Stuart Werner - Casio SK1 keyboards. Recorded at a live performance:April/May 1988 at WWUH. West Hartford, Connecticut.

Freaks Amour - Regressive Music for the Mind & Body,
NART RECORDS NART #9001, 1989.
decryption code in comments

Side A -
MotherF", Incidentally
Sneaky Weasel
Where is it at, You Say?

Side B -
Live Radio Feedback
Disposable Car
The Square
Noisy Mersey



  1. Thanks for this, Nathan - and, by extention too, Mr. Werner. I am regressing as I type; their lavalamp serves as a fine replacement for the one Rosa tossed in the trash when I wasn't looking.

    All purple violet and congealed hot plasma.

    Rather splendid, I feel.

  2. Thanks alot man, but the link is dead as well as their website and all other sources, reupload is a dream!

    1. to nemaulatka,

      your wish is my command. I will gladly upload this probably by tomorrow night. Check back to see if it's refreshed. Thanks for letting me know. I lost many links during the megaupload mediafire debacle, so I'm re-upping as folks ask. that's the only way i find out if anyone is interested.

    2. to nemaulatka,

      I lied. I had this file handy, so I already re-upped it.

      The decryption code is:

      I have four more other releases by FA if you are interested. Just let me know. You can send me an email address, I have the comments on these older post set to moderation so no one else will see your email address, & I won't post it in comments. I can more easily send you the links personally that way.

  3. thanks a lot mate, i just re-downloaded the stuff, my e-mail is nemaulatka@gmail.com, would love to get the rest! cheers
