18 August 2011

Ride On

Crustation - Bloom was re-uploaded 08/22/2013. Enjoy, NØ.

One thing I’ve learned doing this blog is that out here amongst the byways of the Interweb there are a
bunch of wisenheimers, wait, strike that, fonts of wisdom. I’m calling out to all you Brainiacs around the globe. Riddle me this: What ever became of Bronagh Slevin (musickally mostly...I don’t mean I want to invade her privacy or anything...I not a stalker)???

Crustation was a trip-hop band, formed by Ian Dark, Stig Manley & Mark Tayler, three producers from Bristol. In the 80s they had played in bands with Adrian Utley of Portishead. In a later incarnation of Crustation they collaborated with vocalist Bronagh Slevin. In 1997 they released their only full length album Bloom, under the moniker Crustation with Bronagh Slevin.

After that, the trail of Bronagh becomes sketchy at best.
Below is a picture of her at a Gala student reading Saturday 26 May, 2007.

Carrie Etter presents
a Gala Student Reading
at The George
in Bradford on Avon
with creative writing students
from Bath Spa University
& The Poetry School.

There is a track on Up, Bustle, & Out’s 2010 Soliloquy album, "Luminous Fragments" featuring Ms. Slevin. That’s about all I can discover. Can someone please fill in some more information? Any Irish readers that have the skinny? Musick insiders in the know?

Crustation w/ Bronagh Slevin - Bloom, Jive Records HIP 184, 1997.
decryption code in comments

Side A -
Close My Eyes
Face The Waves
Side B -
Down Down
Life As One
Ride On


Thanks to loyal musick lovin' visitors, I've got a fresh half dozen.
As always, decryption code in comments.


  1. This is a fantastic question, I can't seem to find anything either.

  2. Yeah, awesome question. I was thinking just the same lol.
    I've had the album for some time now, but I had only heard ''Purple'' at the time because that track was sampled by Dilla!
    I started listening to the rest and immediately fell in love with ''Life As One''. Such a wonderful voice, especially on that one track, her voice reminds me of ''Trish Keenan'' my #1 favourite singer!
    But uhm.. I started doing some research and found nothing... even on Discogs it stated she only did ''Bloom'' so thank you for finding that ''Luminous Fragments'' track.
    If I ever do find more of here I will post it here.


  3. to Issam,
    Thanks for the great comment. I hope to hear from you in the future with further information. I don't think I've ever heard Trish Keenan. I'm going to remedy that right now,

  4. Bronagh Slevin did vocal work on a track that is making waves right now titled "In Your Eyes" by Inner Blue. Check it out via this link--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ny4eDi2iF4&feature=youtube_gdata_player Cheers!

    1. this one rather! --> http://soundcloud.com/aenaria-recordings/aenmu041

    2. to Brad & Anonymous,

      thanks for stopping by & helping me in my search for all things Slevin. This song is great but not really enough Bronagh. The youtube link seems to be wrong but the soundcloud one is good.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEYQl4niqLE

    Is this her singing Pearl of the Sea? Just put her name into youtube.

    1. to Anonymous,

      yes indeed. thanks. I added a small .zip file
      with a half dozen things I've found since this
      post. Pearl of the Sea, In Your Eyes & a coupla
      remixes, & two songs with Los Ladrones.
      The link is above in the post. the decryption code is:

  6. MEGA decryption code

  7. a bit late to answer, but she has her own website , just google her name...
