01 April 2012

We Gotta Get Out of this Place

UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 11/16/2013. Enjoy, NØ.

Well, it has finally come to pass. Our landlord has finally tired of me paying the rent willy-nilly, with rolls of change & recycling chits, whatever coin of the realm I could lay my hands on, whenever. I lost my job some time back through a misunderstanding between myself, a billboard sign, & the local constabulary. Since then I’ve been living at the Casa Nada on a wing & a prayer, but, boy are my arms tired & nobody's answering up above anymore. Found a new hovel on charmingly named Whippoorwill Lane, so posts for the next few fortnights will be more sporadic than usual.

Thought this old nugget from 1980 would stand good with how I feel, plus, come on...Angelic Upstarts??? "Never 'ad Nothin' "??? "Capital (& Capitol in my case) City"??? "We Gotta Get Out of this Place"??? How more apropos?

Warner Bros. Records – WB 56 806, 1980.
decryption code in comments

Side One -

Never 'ad Nothin'
Police Oppression
Lonely Man of Spandau
Their Destiny is Coming
Shotgun Solution
King Coal

Side Two -

Out of Control
Ronnie is a Rocker
Listen to the Steps
Can't Kill a Legend
Capital City
We Gotta Get Out of this Place



  1. nice one and good luck -been there myself, but the only way is up - always hope so anyway

  2. Please re-upload!

    1. to Anonymous,

      it's ready to go. enjoy!

  3. MEGA decryption code
