02 February 2013

Portrait of a Sister

Here’s a kinda rare one. PhoenixHairpins is the only place listed that had this sucka, & it’s no longer available there. The Indian Feast were from Switzerland. This is the only release I can find listed anywhere for them. Released on the small Swiss label Helvete Underground. It’s kinda industrial light / post-punk musick. Coupla covers here: “Loneliest Person” by Pretty Things & “We Must Bleed” by The Germs. Not much more to say but  give it a listen. 

The Indian Feast - Portrait Of A Sister, Helvete Underground-HEND 85003, 1985.
decryption code in comments

Side A:
The Time is Now
100 Sacred Needles/ Soldiers of the Dark
S/S Traces

Side B:
We Must Bleed
Burning Cathedrals/Catechism
Loneliest Person


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