12 March 2013


Belarus has a rich historical tradition of folk & religious music. The country's folk music traditions can be traced back to the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the 20th century, the Soviet control of the country somewhat limited musical development because nationally oriented music was considered subversive & dangerous to the Soviet authority. The people of Belarus were exposed mostly to Russian pop music during this period & also after independence in 1991. In 2002, however, Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree requiring 50% of all radio broadcast music to be Belarusian in origin. Since January 1, 2005 the rule was made even stricter, 75% of daily broadcast music must be Belarusian.

Rock music of Belarus arose in Perestroika times, with bands forming in late 1980s or early 1990s. Though rock music has risen in popularity in recent years, the Belarusian government has attempted to limit the amount of popular music aired on the radio, in favor of traditional Belarussian music.

Novaje Nieba, or Новае Неба in Belarusian, which means New Sky, is a Belarus rock band started in 1991. That year they released their first album, Black City's Children. This was followed by Dreaming on the Tram in 1994, Go Home (dedicated to Belarusian President A. Lukashenka) in 1995, & this offering May from 1996.

Novaje Nieba are: L. Syryn – guitar; J. Liaukou – bass; L. Volski – keyboards & vocals; K. Kamockaja – vocals; I. Darafiejeva – vocals; J. Hlusyckaja – cello; & A. Dziemidovic – tambourine.

decryption code in comments 

Tracklist –

Людзі На Балоце (People At Baloce)
Падводнае Гетта (Padvodnae Guetta)
Калыханка для дарослых (Dancing for Daroslyh)
Неба мяняе колер (Heaven mânâe Kohler)
Болек і Лёлек (Bolek & Lolek)
Радыё Сталін (Radio Stalìn)
Чаканьне Калядаў (Čakan′ne Kalâdaŭ)
Ліст да сястры (Lìst da sâstry)
Ліст да сястры (metal) [Lìst da sâstry (metal)]                                   
На нашай вуліцы (Nasha Street)
Здаецца (He)
Мая краіна (May)


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