31 March 2013


The roots of ZONA A can be found in Paradox, a Slovakian punk rock band which existed from January 1980 until April 1984. They produced three demo tapes & played 11 live shows, then went the way of many bands.

Immediately after the break-up of Paradox, Peter "Koňýk" Schredl - lead vocals & songwriting & Jaro "Leďo" Lederleitner - guitar, joined up with Peter (Ozim) Hurtig – drums & Svetozár "Sveťom"  Korbel  – guitar. They were both ex-members of Extip, another Slovakian punk band that had been around since 1980 but had also recently broken up. They recruited Braňo Kalický - bass & ZONA A was born.

There were only very limited places to play gigs in those years under the Communist regime. Shows or parties must be done secretly & bands performed under fake names, because many gigs were cancelled or destroyed by the Slovenská Tajná Polícia. There was no possibility to put records out during the Communist era, so ZONA A only released 4 demo tapes. The first two were recorded in their rehearsal room & the other two in a secret studio. In 1985 a short TV film about the band was made, but was never broadcast, because Communist TV leadership labeled it as " unsuitable for Socialist youth ". There were no possibilities to play outside of CSSR either. When the band was invited to Poland's biggest festival, Jarocin in 1986, the Tajná Polícia took away the band members’ passports so they could not leave the country.

In 1988 Svet’om left the band, to reform Extip. ( They did one great LP in 1991 ). He was replaced by semi-permanent member Elvis who played accordion. After 1988, the musical situation started to be better, because of  Perestroika. There were the first legal appearances at official festivals, interviews in national newspapers, radio etc. State record company OPUS offered to put out a single, but it was never released because the band refused to change the lyrics to the songs. Summer 1989, they were the first punk band to appear in Czechoslovak TV " Top of the Pops" show. Also another TV film was made, but it wasn’t aired until after the Velvet Revolution in the fall of 1989. .

In 1990 Braňo & Ozim left to form Slobodna Europa. They were temporarily replaced by Miki - bass & Tibor - drums, both EXTIP members. That same year, ZONA A finally released their debut album (LP & cassette) on state owned OPUS Records. There were still no independent record labels. The songs on this album were written in the years 1984-1989.

 ZONA A – Potopa, OPUS Records 9313 2262, 1990. 
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Side 1 –
Chceš si žiť po svojom
Útok na špicu hitparády
Puf a Muf
Kde je Jozef Mengele?
Nech žijeme!

Side 2 -
Všetko je dnes O. K.
Útek z reality
Nezmením sa
Všetko je prázdne
Prečo je život taký?
Keď sa všetci zjednotíme


Simulacrum is a Slovakian project from Patryc (Cyber) Palkovič (ex-Einleitungszeit). Upuaut is his third album. In ancient Egyptian the title means: "that (man), who opens a door". The style moves from deep ambient to industrial landscapes, where the rhythmic & raw noise share the stage: sampled voices & droning, mystic, hypnotic sexual sounds. Ritual ties it all tightly together

 Simulacrum – Upuaut, Old Europa Café OECD 069, 2004. 
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Tracklist –

In Search of Eve


The Guta Jasna was established by Duran & Daemonna (Peter Ducai) of Kosice, Slovakia. They are an experimental rock band. They have created twenty different releases, featuring unique artists from all over the world. I think they deserve your time to give them a listen. I believe you will not be sorry.

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Tracks –

Birth (feat. Shortbusmusic)
Let’s Dance (feat. Shortbusmusic)
Journey into 5th Dimension (feat. Shortbusmusic)
Take Me Away (feat. Shortbusmusic)
Drop the Bombs
What U Think, U Become pt.3





  1. ZONA A
    The guta jasna

  2. thanks for listing Guta jasna ;)
