19 April 2013


A sharp visitor by the name of Anonymous left a comment on the Bosnia & Herzegovina post stating that: “Marjanov Čudni Zajec are from Slovenia”. Actually, this is quite correct. The reasons I posted them up in B&H are twofold.

One is because I credited Marko Brecelj with dreaming up & creating this insane ensemble. He is from Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Therefore…(though the band itself was from Slovenia, since Brecelj had moved to Ljubljana to attend University & then to attack the Slovenian eardrums).

Secondly, I was intending on posting up the band Buldožer while in Slovenia. Buldožer is another project that Brecelj left his mark on. I have however, realized that I shouldn’t be able to have it both ways: Slovenia & not Slovenia. Therefore I changed from Pljuni istini u oči, Buldožer’s first album with Brecelj handling the vocal chores, to Izlog Jeftinih Slatkiša, Buldožer’s first album after Marko left the band. That way I have Marjanov Čudni Zajec under Bosnia & Herzrgovina because of Brecelj’s nationality & still get to put Buldožer in Slovenia, minus one Marko.

Not that anyone cares, nor should they, since it’s all great musick, whatever the country or  label. I’m just saying in the name of accuracy…

In 1974 Brecelj joined the Ljubljana band Sedam svetlobnih let. Sedem svetlobnih let ("Seven Light Years") was led by guitarist & at the time lead vocalist Boris Bele. Their line-up included keyboardist/composer Borut Činč, bass guitarist Andrej Veble, lead guitarist Uroš Lovšin & drummer Stefan Jež. With the change in vocalist & the change of direction of the music, the band decided also to change their name to Buldožer.

The band received wide acclaim after their first appearance at the Boom Festival. They were offered a record contract by Jugoton. They rejected that offer in favor of going with PGP-RTB, believing they could reach a wider audience in the Serbian market. With Brecelj at the helm, Buldožer made quite a stir in Slovenia concerning the term ‘rock music’. Although the first album, Pljuni istini u oči (Spit the Truth into Eyes), featuring hits like "Život to je feferon", "Ljubav na prvi krevet", & "Blues gnjus", was quickly sold out, PGP-RTB balked at issuing a follow-up release. They felt the band’s music was marked by "higher instances of inappropriate & controversial" material.

Buldožer  was roundly ignored by the media, but they successfully built an image as Zappaesque freaks with their numerous live gigs (as always with Marko, a unique blend of music, poetry, & theater). Although they introduced themselves as a " typical folk-pop ensemble from Slovenia", Brecelj was prone to unpredictable excesses like appearing on stage in a wheelchair, burning his hair & beard, or going on long rants loaded with cynicism & irony.

As we have seen in other Communist bloc countries from this time, such a thorn in the eye to the establishment would not pass lightly. Censorship reared its ugly head during the recording of their second album. There were continued censorship of lyrics & entire songs. This record, Zabranjeno plakatirati (No placateering) was on ice for a year, until Helidon from Ljubljana finally stepped up & issued it. In the meantime, the rhythm section changed so that bassist Vili Bertok & drummer Tone Dimnik participated in studio sessions. Then Brecelj left the band to put his full energies into his solo-career. Bele took over as lead vocalist, the role which he had performed pre-Brecelj. He proved he was not to be taken lightly. He continued his own brand of the Brecelj's style of excesses & provocation.

This is the first album without Marko Brecelj as vocalist. It’s a doozy.

Boris Bele – vocals & guitar; Metka Močnik – vocals on A2 & B5(along with Rado Hribar); Davor Slamnig – lead guitar; Borut Činč – backing vocals (lead vocals & accordion on track B2), piano & organ: Andrej Veble – backing vocals & bass; Dušan Vran – drums; Lado Jakša – saxophone; Srečo Papič – sitar;

Buldožer ‎– Izlog Jeftinih Slatkiša, Helidon FLP 05-019, 1980. 
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Stana A –
Boogie Za Prijatelja
Hvala Ti Za Krv
Okrutni Bogovi Istoka
Jeftini Slatkiši

Stana B –
Novo Vrijeme
Slovinjak Punk
Žene I Muškarci


In 1977, Peter Lovšin & Gregor Tomc, two young men from the Ljubljana suburb of Kodeljevo, Slovenia, came up with the idea of forming a band. From its conception, the band was heavily influenced by the UK punk scene. Lovšin was the singer of the band, while Tomc was the band's manager. The two were the primary song writers, but it was Tomc who came up with the bands name, Pankrti (The Bastards). They were known for provocative & politically edged songs. They billed themselves as ‘The First Punk Band Behind the Iron Curtain’. They were in fact one of the first punk rock bands ever formed in a Communist country.


The band started playing in the fall of 1977, practicing in the basement of the Kodeljevo's Music School. They played their first show at Moste High School. Initially they played mainly covers of established punk bands including the Sex Pistols, The Clash & New York Dolls. Some of their first original songs became immensely popular: "Za železno zaveso" (Behind the Iron Curtain); "Anarhist" (Anarchist); & "Lublana je bulana" (Ljubljana is Sick).

In 1980, they released their first album, Dolgcajt (Boredom). Their second album, 1982s  Državni ljubimci (State Lovers) was a success with the Slovenian public. It was awarded ‘best Yugoslav album of the year’. In 1984 they released their third album, Rdeči (Red Album). Its title is an obvious pun on the famous album by The Beatles contrasted with the red as a symbol of Communism. The album featured a cover version of the famous Italian Communist revolutionary song “Bandiera Rossa” (Red Flag), which is one of their most famous tracks. One of their last concerts was in Tivoli Hall in Ljubljana in 1987, named Zadnji pogo (The Last Pogo). That same year they released their final studio album, Sexpok, which I am featuring here.

In 1996 the group temporarily reformed to perform as a support act for the Sex Pistols concert in Ljubljana during their Filthy Lucre Tour. Peter Lovšin sings with the band Španski borci (Spanish Republican Fighters). In 2007, he announced Pankrti's reunion concert at the (immediately sold out) Hall Tivoli for December 1, 2007 as a celebration of their 30th anniversary. This show was followed by performances in Serbia & Croatia.

On Sexpok, Pankrti are: Peter Lovšin – lead vocals; Marc Kavaš - lead guitar; Bogo Pretnar – rhythm guitar; Boris Kramberger – bass; Slavc Colnarič – drums; Jasna Bilušić – backing vocals; Stanko Juzbašić – sampler.

Pankrti – Sexpok, ZKP RTVL LD 1481, 1987. 
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Stana A –
Trije Bogovi
Žena Z Drugega Sveta
Bratje In Sestre
Adijo Ljubljana
Pesem Za Zmeri

Stana B –
Zadnja Ljubezenska Pesem
Cela Noč Časa
If You Rock My Cock (I'll Wattussy Your Pussy)
Potuješ Da Greš


In 1985. Danijel Dadi Kašnar (ex Martin Krpan Videosex), Mario Marolt (ex Marcus 5) & Miroslav Lovrič met at a workshop in Ljubljana Jazz Festival. They decided to start up a free form jazz-punk-whatever-they-felt-like kinda band. They named the band Miladojka Youneed. Their first concert was held in Ljubljana's club K4 in 1986. Their first release, the self-titled cassette was released in March in 1987. They were asked to play the prestigious Cheskoslovansky Jazzový Festival in Karlovy Vary. In June they recorded live material in the Ljubljana club Valentino. Then they opened for New York band Swans. They had become a big name in Slovenian alternative music before their first album was out. In September of 1987 they released their first LP Ghastly Beyond Belief!

Ghastly Beyond Belief! was received enthusiastically by new jazz, pop, rock & the hard-core audience. It was such an expansive, eclectic blend of disparate styles, jazz-core, acid metal, synthetic trash?  Due to the embracing of these various different musical genres, it was impossible to classified their style, but whatever their style, the fact remains that they were one of the most important bands of this most productive period in Slovenian alternative, creative music.

The album was such a success that the Dutch company NL Centrum re-released it under their Massmusic banner in 1989, giving them access to the entire European market. Quickly this was followed by performances both at home & abroad (playing festivals in Hungary, Greece, Italy, Austria, Belgium, as well as the Netherlands.

On Ghastly Beyond Belief!, the band members are: the three founding members - Miroslav Lovrič – vocals & bass; Mario Marolt - tenor sax, clarinet, piano, & synth; Danijel Dadi Kašnar  - drums; along with -  Boris Romih (ex Begnagrad) – guitar & percussion; Urban Urbanija – alto & baritone sax; & Igor Ožbolt – bass.

Miladojka Youneed – Ghastly Beyond Belief!, Helidon FLP 05-069, 1987. 
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Side A –
Yu Special
A je u omari
Side B –
Bis program
Swans Lake


1 comment:

  1. Buldožer
    Miladojka Youneed
