17 May 2013

A Journey is Best Measured in Friends Rather than Miles

Before I go any farther, I want to shout out some props to other folks & blogs that have helped or will be helping make this journey possible. Obviously I don’t personally own music from every country in the world in physical format. I have much, as I have never been USAcentric, & have quite eclectic tastes (patting own back, avoiding word "WEIRD"). If I own it, I rip it myself & post it de moi à vous. If I don’t, I try to find what I’m looking for around the interweb.

For Europe, I already had all but six of the countries covered before I began this project. 

As for Africa, Zer0-ii & Sab (co-conspirators of Musick, the Global Language ver.1) had many of the countries. I was in need of 19 countries when I set out. There are a surprising number of blogs out here that specialize in music from Africa. There is such a vast diversity & intense interest in Afro Musique.

I want to thank the following blogs for material I have posted to help this journey move onward. I either downloaded music from them or used suggestions of things they had posted to guide me to other releases or related artists.

First thanks go out to Icastico at Pen & Mallet. He is a friend of NSS & also a rarity in the blogsphere, a prolific commenter. If I was searching for something & saw he had commented (often), I would read his comments(s) before sampling. I always know he is honest & musically astute. Thanks, my friend.

Next is another friend of NSS, Oro over at ORO blog. He always has rare, unusual, & wonderful music. If you are enticed by this journey to check out more African music, I’d advise starting here.

Then the rest that have been invaluable help, in no particular order:

Check'em out, 
& tell'em 
Nathan sent ya.

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