24 May 2013


Tourist literature always describes Cameroon as "Africa in miniature", so much so that it has become almost a cliché. But the country does exhibit all major climates & vegetation of the continent: coast; desert; mountains; rainforest; & savannah. Cameroon’s worst problem is one I can relate to myself. It is a victim of lousy neighbors. It sits in a tough neighborhood, bordered by some problematic countries. Just avoid the troubled border areas, & enjoy the Cameroon hospitality. One of the most culturally diverse countries on the continent, its people include ancient tribal kingdoms, Muslim pastoralists & forest-dwelling pygmies.

The landscape is no less dizzying in its diversity. Mt Cameroon (4095m) is the highest peak in West Africa. A still-active volcano, it rises almost straight from the sea in a spectacular manner. Further north are the rolling grasslands of the Ring Road area, while the Mandara Mountains are a complete contrast again, dry, rocky, with isolated villages barely eking out a living. Fringing all of this are some of Africa’s oldest rainforests, & the excellent Parc National de Waza, with abundant mammal & bird life, with large herds of elephants gathering at water holes in the dry season.

Or you can just head for one of the fine palm-fringed beaches, throw back a few cold beers, & dig some lively home-grown makossa music. This is no mellow pop bikutsi dance music. This is the late 70s when ‘Makossa was King’. These people might have lousy neighbors, but they sure know how to throw a great party. I dare you to stay seated. I double-dog dare you!

Sam Fan Thomas is born in 1952 in Bafoussam, the capital of the West Province of Cameroon. The city is also the cultural & economical center of the Bamilike people. Thomas is a famous singer & guitarist who became known in 1984 when his album African Typic Collection sold more than one million copies.

This is Sam Fan Thomas’ second solo LP. He went solo after he left Andre Marie Tala's Les Tigres Noirs in 1976. Thomas went to Cotonou the following year, where he recorded this LP with the l’Orchestre Black Santiago. Great late 70s makossa/soukous.

Sam Fan Thomas – self-titled, Disques Tropiques SATEL SAT 159,1977. 
decryption code in comments

Face A –
Kello Kello
Ni ate Dje

Face B –
Na Ma Pula Dimbea Oa
Special Kwongne


Louis Wasson is a great guitarist & arranger from Cameroon. During the 70s, he spent several years in Benin where he recorded with greats such as Danialou Sagbohan & Fidegnon Ambrose. He also worked on the arrangement for albums by artists including Antoine Dougbé.

Ma Fille Fait Attention features a unique blend of experimental psychedelic Afro-reggae makossa/soukous.

On Ma Fille Fait Attention, the performers are: Louis Wasson - vocals & lead guitar; Pierre A. Dikaki – rhythm guitar; Dieudonne Tsang – organ & strings; Ignace de Souza – trumpet; Jean Katou-Zingila – tenor saxophone; Black Pepper – alto saxophone; Pierre Egnile – bass; & Danialou Sagbohan Miguelito - drums & backing vocals, with Giles Toffo & Miguelito Hossou – backing vocals.

LouisWasson – Ma Fille Fait Attention, Disques Tropiques Satel SAT 175, 1978.
decryption code in comments 

Face A –
Ma Fille Fait Attention

Face B –
Give Us Heavy Sound
La Facilité est Ephémère

Music Maker, give us heavy sound,


  1. Louis Wasson sounds super interesting, any chance of a re-upload?

    1. Louis Wasson re-upped.
      New codes:
      Sam Fan Thomas
      Louis Wasson
