12 May 2013

Sierra Leone

Blind Musical Flames of Sierra Leone were in existence from 1990 until 1993. They had a huge hit with High Morale shortly after the overthrew of former President Joseph Saidu Momoh in 1992.

Mustapha Bai Attila, the now Deputy Minister of Social Welfare Gender & Children’s Affairs, recently addressed the Milton Margai School for the Blind in Freetown. Attila noted that the School for the Blind holds a reputation in & out of Sierra Leone, citing that the nation’s first musical heroes, the Blind Musical Flames are products of the school. They were the quintessential Sierra Leonean sight-impaired super-group.

Minister Attilla was at one time known at King M.B. Attilla. He hails from Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa. He is considered among the nation’s best musical artists. His singing & keyboard skills are well known throughout Africa, Europe, Canada, the Caribbean, & the US. He has produced many hit songs. He has performed in Mali, Gambia, Guinea, the West Coast of Africa, the Caribbean & the US.

Attilla lost his vision early in life. However, his God-given musical talents were nurtured while at the Milton Margai School. Attilla credits the school’s headmaster, Mr. Samuel Campbell, for his indefatigable commitment to make him an outstanding musician. In 1979, as a leading member of the school’s band, Attilla was instrumental in the illustrious group winning an international competition organized by the British Broadcasting Cooperation (BBC).

Blind Musical Flames play reggae-flavored African dance music.

Blind Musical Flames – Flames Morale, Super Sound Limited FT 014, 1992.
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Side 1 –
High Morale
Titi Sidom

Side 2 –
Big Berin
Poda Poda
Seda Seda


Afro National was a highlife band led by Sulay Abubakarr from Sierra Leone. They are a solid band with a powerful variety of styles: Afro-beat, Afro-funk, Afro-psyche, & Afro-Cuban. Great saxophone, keyboard banging, guitar totally soukous & the unique voice of Patricia Koroma on the dread "Jokenge" Afro-beat tune.

 Afro National – Tropical Funkmusic, Makossa International Records M2328, 1978. 
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Side 1 - 
Money Palava
Yamba Lay

Side 2 –
Yorneh Yorneh
Kama Kama
Tolon Tolon
Elef Pan You

Afro-funk Out!


  1. Blind Musical Flames
    Afro National

  2. Hi, thank you for this post, really interesting. Sierra Leonean music is often overlooked. May I ask: was Attilla himself part of the Blind Musical Flames or did he just happen to know them (being a blind musician himself) and praise them for their musical contribution? Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

    1. Deputy Minister Attilla was not a member of the Blind Musical Flames as he was at the Milton Margai School a decade or so earlier. He was a leader of the school's band & that band led directly to the Flames. Thank you for your comment & query.

  3. Good afternoon, do you have any to download those albums?

    1. If you are asking how to download these files, here goes:

      In the first comment, copy the encryption code beneath the listed title of the file you want. Select the title of the file you want beneath the album artwork. This will take you to MEGA. Paste the encryption code you copied when prompted by MEGA & download. It just cut & paste.
