27 June 2013


Ethiopia stands as a cultural crossroads for Africa. It is the oldest independent country in Africa. Unlike the majority of Africa, Ethiopia throughout its long history has avoided colonization. But just because it was never colonized, it was by no means isolated. Its population is parts Christian, Islamic, & a broad variety of local religions & traditional customs. It has shared commerce & culture with Europe as far back as the Greek & Roman Empire, Asia since the time of the Tea Horse & Southern Silk routes, & across most of Africa.

It seems like nearly everyone taking this musical journey agrees that the African music from the 70s is the funkiest, freshest, & finest. Since Ethiopia was a cultural crossroad as I discussed above, why would they be any different. The 70s has been dubbed ‘the Golden 70s’ by many. Ethiopiques Vol. 13 is in fact called Ethiopian Groove: The Golden Seventies. The sound is incredible. It’s a mix of heavy funk, spacey jazz, & other exotic touches all coming together. It’s a unique sort of sound that's beyond any referent. It is easily some of the freshest music on the planet in the 70s or today.

1969 - 1978 was considered ‘the Age of the Record’ in Ethiopia. It was notable for the vibrant nightlife that has been compared to ‘swinging London’. All tracks here were recorded between 1973 - 1977.

Two tracks from Seyoum Gèbrèyès & Wallias Band & two tracks from Muluqèn Mèllèssè & Dahlak Band are added to the 17 track cd. For the album from 1994 (16 song album), all three tracks from Aster Aweke that are on the album are absent on the cd. Many of the tracks have different spellings from album to cd. I have included all 20 tracks for anyone who wants either version. The spelling from the album is used for the main list. The spelling from the cd is used on the cd only tracks.

Buda Musique, 1994 (16 song album) & 2003 (17 track cassette). 
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Side A -
Alemayehu Eshete & Shebelle’s Band - Tashamanaletch
Hirut Bekele & Police Orchestra - Ewnetegna Feker
Alemayehu Eshete & Shebelle’s Band - Wededku Afkerkush
Tamrat Ferendji & Sensation Band - Anchin Yagegnulet
Aster Aweke & Sensation Band - Antiye
Bzunesh Bekele & Dahlak Band - Atrakegn
Wallias Band - Musicawi Silt
Aster Aweke & Sensation Band - Etetu Beredegne

Side B -
Ayalew Mesfin & Black Lion Band - Feker Aydelmwey
Aster Aweke & Sensation Band - Lomiye
Tamrat Ferendji & Sensation Band - Ya Jaleleto
Bzunesh Bekele & Dahlak Band - Tigel New
Ayalew Mesfin & Black Lion Band - Good Aderegechegn
Ayalew Mesfin & Black Lion Band - Gedawo
Asselefetch Ashine & Getenesh Kebret & Army Band - Meche New
Asselefetch Ashine & Getenesh Kebret & Army Band - Amlak Abet Abet

Tracks 3 & 6 from cd -
Seyoum Gèbrèyès & Wallias Band - Mètch Ené Terf Fèlèghu
Seyoum Gèbrèyès & Wallias Band – Muziqa Muziqa

Tracks 8 & 10 from cd –
Muluqèn Mèllèssè & Dahlak Band - Yèmendjar Shèga
Muluqèn Mèllèssè & Dahlak Band – Djemeregne

I don't necessarily agree that this is the very best of Éthiopiques. But with more than twenty albums in this Ethiopian series, I doubt that any two people given the task would pick the same tracks. These tracks are excellent, but there are tracks that I would have included & tracks I would have left out of the mix, but it’s kinda subjective, so…I’m not gonna argue with the title or subtitle. These two discs are filled with gorgeous grooves that serve well as a guide to a series that's earned every bit of its legendary cred.

Manteca MANTDCD245, 2007.
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CD 1 –
Tesfa Maryam Kidané - Heywèté
Mulatu Astatqé -Yèkèrmo Sèw
Mulatu Astatqé -Yèkatit
Girma Bèyènè - Enkèn Yèlélèbesh
Bahta Gèbrè-Heywèt - Ewnèt Yèt Lagegnesh
Mulatu Astatqé - Gubèlyé
Mahmoud Ahmed - Erè Mèla Mèla
Mahmoud Ahmed - Mètché Nèw
Alemayehu Eshete - Tchero Adari Nègn
Alemayehu Eshete - Telantena Zaré
Wallias Band - Muziqawi Silt
Ayaléw Mèsfin & Black Lion Band - Gèdawo
Tlahoun Gessesse - Tchuhetén Betsèmu
Menelik Wèsnatchèw - Tezeta

CD 2 –
Maryam Guebrou - Mother's Love
Tlahoun Gessesse - Sema
Tewelde Redda - Milènu
Beyene Habte - Embi Ila
Mulatu Astatqé - Tezeta
Girma Bèyènè - Sét Alamenem
Muluqèn Mèllèssè & Dahlak Band - Bèné Mote
Getatchew Mekurya - Antchi Hoyé
Tlahoun Gessesse - Kulun Mankwalèsh
Getatchew Mekurya - Shellèla
Seyfu Yohannes - Mèla Mèla
Mahmoud Ahmed - Atawurulegn Léla
Mahmoud Ahmed - Festum Denq Ledj Nèsh
Alemu Aga - Abatatchen Hoy (Pater Noster)



  1. Is it possible for you to re-upload the Golden 70s comp? I have the best of Ethiopiques one but would love to get hold of more of this classic Ethiopian jazz/groove sort of stuff.

    1. Re-upped Golden 70s comp.

      New codes:
      The Golden 70s
      Hypnotic Grooves

    2. Thanks, amazing!
