22 June 2013


Here is some great Ugandan dance music from the 60s. All the great dance bands from Uganda of the 60s are here. These recordings were made in Nairobi, Kenya between 1964 & 1968. There were no recording studios in Uganda at the time, so musicians had to go elsewhere to record there music if they wanted something more permanent than their live shows in the memory of their audiences.

decryption code in comments

Side A –
Bill Mbowa & the AGS Boys – Jane Wange
Kawaliwa & Mary with the AGS Boys – Fumbira Abaana
Kawaliwa & Mary with the AGS Boys – Rin
Frida Sonko & Equator Sound – Gwenasobya
Moses Katazza & Frida Sonko with Equator Sound – Nona Ente Yo
Moses Katazza & Frida Sonko with Equator Sound – Amazima Lona
Elly Wamala, M. Philip, Keya, Charles, & Makassy – Hamadi
Charles Sonko & Equator Sound – Wano Tulimuba

Side B –
Charles Sonko & sisters with Equator Sound – Sifunanga Wa Buruaio
Fred Masagazi & King Jazz d’Equateur – Ekommera
Charles & Frida Sonko with Orch. Melo Success – Omutwa Gwamaka
Freddie Kigozi & the Hodi Boys – Mega Jukira
Freddie Kigozi & the Hodi Boys – Onkyayadeki
Charles & Frida Sonko with Orch. Melo Success – Nawalirunga



  1. ds_oXBl3HyxU0UvvWz9idkYOUflg-Ytffsh0q261SzQ

  2. Really enjoyed this one. Not too modern, not too primitive. The ones I like most seem to come from around 1970-1989. The Banda Six album from Mozambique was another of my favorites from recent posts.

    Thanks for doing this project. As I said before, I'll probably leave you after you finish Africa and come back for Southeast Asia. I just don't have time to listen to all the great things that you are posting. Maybe Mega will have long retention times and I can come back at a later time for some things.

    1. Yeah, some of the traditional music is most interesting in an ethnomusicological sense. & the late 20th Century political turmoils played havoc with much of the more modern music, either wiping out the musicians or corrupting their tastes with just too much Westernization.
      The 70s to mid/late 80s is also my favorite era, when electric instrumentation & Pan-African music swapping combined with the more traditional ethnic music to create a raw unique sound.

      I'm hoping that MEGA is going to have legs & that this stuff will be around long enough for everyone to get what they want. I am only hurrying through this myself so as not to take years on this project. It is going to last long enough at the break-neck pace I'm trying to maintain. I have thoughtfully been saving copies of each file to a 2T external back-up I acquired cheaply, just in case.

      I have to say that the Middle Eastern music is my least favorite. There is great music, I not saying otherwise, especially from places like Lebanon or Palestine, but much of the clerical & political fundamentalism & the overly heavy stressing of monetary production of the music industry in this region has taken some of the freedom & fun out of the music as a whole. But as I am trying to do the impossible (improbable?), I must persist.

      Thanks for all your help & input, be waiting to hear from you next time.

  3. I'm sure that there is music that I would like from the Middle East, but I have not found it yet and have decided to pay more attention to areas that I know I like. Sufi music intrigues me but so far the only albums I've liked have been the Moroccan gnawa that you posted earlier. I think that Turkey/Iran/Afghanistan are promising and I may see what you come up with. Turkish rock from the 60s-70s is fun because much of British Psychedelia borrowed from there.

    On the other hand, I have found very little of interest from the Arabian peninsula and Northwest Africa. The only thing that I've kept is some jazz by Rabih Abou-Khalil.

  4. This is on regular play in my house. It's such a delight! Many thanks!

    1. Happy dancin' goin' on at beetor's place. This is well worthy of excessive play.
