09 July 2013


Re-uploaded by request 01/13/2024.

Nawal Thaher Al-Zaid was born November 18, 1966 in Kuwait City,Kuwait. She is a Kuwaiti Khaliji singer & musical icon. She is known as Shaikhat Al Tarab (The Queen of Classic Music) & Qaitharat Al Khaleej (Harp of Khaliji Song).

Nawal studied at the Music Institute in Kuwait where she met the Kuwaiti composer Rashid Al-Khadr. Al-Khadr composed many of her initial songs & famed poet Abdullatif Al-Banay composed lyrics for her.

Her first album came out at the end of 1984.  This is also the same year she appeared publicly for the first time, at the age of 17. It was a concert in the Bahrain. She was in a state of anxiety because it was her first experience in facing the public, but she mounted the stage & performed a collection of songs with confidence. She received a standing ovation. From that first experience she has solidly built her career. She has released 16 albums to date.

On Nawal 2009, composer Mish’al El Orouj returns with the song “Mou Liya” (Oroujo composed some of Nawal’s best-known songs: “El Shoung Jabek”; “Bi Yahsedouni Aleih”; & “Tammen Galbak”. Also composing songs for the album is Walid Saad. Most of the tunes were arranged by Bahraini arranger Sirouz, with Kahled Ez & Hani Farhat on the songs “Hathi Jedida”, “Wein Antehi” & “Khed’a”, & İsmail Tunçbilek on “Mou Liya”. While this release has plenty of songs for those who like the more polished Nawal sound, there is still plenty of songs aimed at those who like the rougher, more old school Nawal style.

 Nawal - Nawal 2009, Rotana Music, 2009.

Tracklist -

Dhagat Aleik (It Annoys You)
Meshtag Galol (I Hear That You Miss Me)
Sam (Tell Me Whatever You Want)
Leih Saket (Why So Quiet?)
Hathi Jedida (That's A New One)
Mou Liya (At All)
May Eini (The Apple Of My Eye)
Sah (Right?)
Ghab Nourek (Your Light Faded)
Khed'a (A Joke)
Aghla Hob (Precious Love)
Has Be Ghalteto (He Recognized His Mistake)
Min Allemek (Who Taught You)
Eyoun El Nas (People's Eyes)
Wein Antehi (Were Do I End?)



  1. Hi NØ, would a repost of Nawal - Nawal 2009 be possible at this late date? I'm resuming my "listen around the world" project originally inspired by your blog that I began last year. Thank you in advance for your kind help.

    1. Glad to oblige a world music traveler. Re-upped & needs no decryption code. Enjoy & always glad to be an inspiration.

  2. Awesome--thank you again!
