21 July 2013


Ensemble Tengir-Too plays an ancient music rooted in the sensibility of nomadic Kyrgyz.

There are several  theories on the meaning of ‘Kyrgyz’. The word ‘Kyrgyz’ is derived from the Turkic word ‘forty’, with yz being an old plural suffix, referring to a collection of forty tribes. Kyrgyz also means ‘imperishable’, ‘inextinguishable’, ‘immortal’, ‘unconquerable’, or ‘undefeatable’. This is presumed to be referring to the epic hero Manas who, as legend has it, unified the undefeated forty tribes against the Khitans. Ensemble Tengir-Too are keepers of tradition as well as original innovators. They present an original repertoire made of compositions & arrangements for traditionnal instruments , mixing the specific bardic vocal art to the extraordinary epic recitation of Manas. This music

This release is the first in a multi-volume series of Music of Central Asia

SFW40520, 2006. 
decryption code in comments

Tracklist –

Jangylyk (Novelty)
Erke Kyz (The Spoiled Girl)
Küidüm Chok (I Burn, I Smoulder like Charcoal)
Episode from the Manas
Belek (Gift)
Kara Özgöi (Impudent One)
Kyiylyp Turam (I’m Sad to Say Goodbye)
Attila Khan
Ak Satkyn Menen Kulmyrza (Ak Satkyn & Kulmyrza)
Fantasy on the Chopo Choor (Ocarina)
Gül (Flower)
Jol Jürüsh (On the Road)
Kengesh (Soviet)
Esimde (I Remember)
Ker Özön (Wide Valley)
Sagynam (I Miss You)
Kyz Oigotoor ( A Melody that Wakes up a Girl)



  1. IDkfj03BdFc-7BSUo1-rdkEHIZA-RQK9behVaZITt-o

  2. That was a good one. I hadn't expected to follow you through this part of the world but you put me in the habit.

    1. You may have turned into a nun in drag but don't blame me, I'm Buddhist.

  3. Yes! I'm so glad you're still keeping this up. I haven't tuned in since the beginning of Africa so there are many treasures awaiting me.

    1. Glad you came back. A lot of good tuneage in Africa & beyond. I'm a bit over half way around the globe (country-wise at least, if not distance wise). Thanks for your comments & good traveling.

  4. Thx for your incredible collections. I have learned so much, and gained appreciation for more places around the world. All the best!
