04 July 2013


Once again I am posting some field recordings. This is a selection of various traditional Yemeni music. There are many traditional songs here that date back at least to the 14th Century. They are called homayni, which is poetry set to music. The first song, “Sanaa S'éville” is a perfect example. Sanaan singing is the most well known of the homayni styles.

The primary instuments here are the oud, the mizamâr (double-reeded clarinet) & various percussions: sahn; tâsa; marfa; & tabla are some. These metal percussion, played by both women & men, is one of the key elements of the Yemeni traditional music.

Various – Yemen: Music ofthe High Plateaus (اليمن - الموسيقى من الهضاب العالية),
Moyen Orient - Playa Sound Collection, 1997.
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Tracklist –

Sanaa S'éville
Ya Man Laqi Qalbi
Danse Bar'a de la Région de Manakha
Ya Muqimin Fi Sanaa
Danse Le'ba
Ya Gamar
Danse Bar'a de la Région d'Amran
Sara L-Leyl
Danse de Mariage
Raka Taruban


Arwa ( أروى ) is a Yemeni artist, born Iman Salem Oumairan in Kuwait, in 1979. Her father is Yemeni, her mother is Egyptian. As a young girl she moved with her family to Egypt where she attended primary & high school. After graduation, she enrolled in the Cairo Architecture College, with the goal of fulfilling the family dream of having an architect among them.

Since she was young, Arwa was a passionate artist. She performed the songs of the Yemeni Icon Abu Bakr Salem. She used to participate, as a singer, in all school & social ceremonies. When she grew up, her talent was discovered at the university by the artist Youcef Mhanna, who encouraged her & even helped her in starting her career. He was the one behind her first appearance in Orbit Festival. She sang “Kama Erricha” & “Touboul Elmekalla” by Abu Bakr Salem, still her favorite artist.

Arwa is always looking for inspiration in the heritage of traditional songs of her ancestral city Hadramaut. Throughout her career, she has released four albums: Aktar Men Rouhi in 1999; Enta Aarefni in 2006; Einikk in 2007; & this album, Ghasseb Aannak in 2009. I think this music is Yemeni disco.

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Tracklist –

Yom Wahed
Hasess Biya
Ya Ghafel
El Qssa Betoul
Safer W Khallana
Ghasseb Aannak
Mkhabbi Aalaya
Aala Keyfak
Banat El Nass
Ben Salem
Sawad El Eyn


1 comment:

  1. Music of the High Plateau
