15 August 2013

Free Tibet

I'm not going into the whole history of China's annexation of Tibet, but before the Chinese occupation in 1949, Tibet was comprised of three provinces known as U-Tsang, Amdo, & Kham. When the Chinese refer to Tibet they mean the Tibetan Autonomous Region (T.A.R.) which was established in 1965. This area comprises all of what Tibetans call U-Tsang & parts of Kham. The traditional Tibetan areas of Amdo & the remainder of Kham were incorporated into the Chinese Provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai, & Yunnan. Within these Chinese Provinces there are Tibetan areas divided into various Prefectures subdivided into Counties or district level administrative areas.

As recently as August 6, an important religious festival in Tibet was invaded by a host of unwelcome visitors: China’s Paramilitary Armed Police. As festival goers & religious dignitaries gathered at a sacred location near Lhasa they were stopped & submitted to body searches by a solid perimeter of armed security forces.

The Shoton festival can be traced back to the 15th century. It unites Tibetan lay-people & religious communities in celebration of the passing of the summer retreat, where monks seek solitude to avoid accidentally stepping on summer insects. It also signals the beginning of the milking season. In the past the festivities has drawn dancers from all over Tibet, but this year the only performance allowed is from the Chinese state-approved Lhasa Singing & Dancing Troupe.

This harassment is just part of a continuing campaign against freedom in Tibet & against music & musicians in particular. Last month a popular singer in eastern Tibet, Kalsang Yarphel, was arrested. He is still in detention, apparently because his songs celebrating Tibetan identity & language offended Chinese authorities. The father of three had already been interrogated several times following his appearances at concerts promoting the Tibetan language. One particular song “Tibetans” seems to have been deemed too political by authorities:
“Tibetans, we learn Tibetan, speak Tibetan, it is our duty to do so
Tibetans, we unite, unite all three areas of Tibet together
Tibetans, we being brave, being brave reminding ourselves 
that years are mixtures of happiness and sorrow
Tibetans, we express our joy and woe, 
thinking of the future of Tibet, we chase our dreams
Tibetans, we hold national pride, march forward proudly shoulder to shoulder
Tibetans, we work hard, 
we are the future inheritance of Tibet's new generation”

The detention of Kalsang Yarphel follows the conviction & sentencing of three other singers this year. Pema Tinley & Chakdor were sentenced to two years in prison in February following the release of their album The Pain of an Unhealed Wound.

The same month, Lolo was sentenced to six years, apparently as a result of his patriotic songs. His crime was recording an album of 14 songs that called for Tibet's independence, unity of the Tibetan people, & the return of the Dalai Lama. He had no known links to protests or other activism.

Various – Songs of Tibet, World of Music Records, 2000.
decryption code in comments

Tracklist –

Auspicious Verses of the Secret Aja Griva
The Practice of Chöd
Kui. Kyon. Pan (The Praise to Tara)
Ganden la Ghiema (Prayer to Lama Tzong Khapa)
Djam Mon (The Prayer of Universal Love)
Tamdrim Yangsa Shagpa (Confession & Purification of Secret Hayagriva)
Dag Shen Ma (Exchanging Oneself with Others)
Kui. Kyon. Pan (The Praise to Tara II)
Geua Nguoa (Dedications of the Merits of the 10th Chapter of the Bodhisattvacary)
The Long Life Practice of Mandarava

Free Tibet,