18 August 2013

Mongolia, Part 1

Re-Upped 12/18/2022.  Thanks to Fanny Blancmange.
Now direct links, no passwords.


Damn, this is taking longer than  I thought. Think I'll post up part 1.

The Mongolian people love music. It’s something that I share with them & maybe it’s why I am enjoying their music so much.

I have tried to break the styles up into various groupings. The ones I like best are the folk rock, which combines Mongolian traditional instruments & music with more modern sounds. My favorite of these is Altan Urag.


The other favorite of mine is the Shamanic music. Rarely heard in the west, it predates lamaist or Buddhist music. Its chants go directly to the heart of magick.

There is music from Altai, in the west of Mongolia.

There is ethno jazz.

End of Part 1 - 


  1. Holy crap. This is going to take some Time.

    1. Well, Time Has Come Today


  2. Ane part 2 when will be?:>

  3. Okna Tsahan Zam – Shamanic Voices ,link is broken

    1. Okna Tsahan Zam is re-uploaded. The new MEGA decryption code is

      Part 2 has more than 50 files. I have to organized, label, tag, zip, & upload them as well as do the other posting as my journey approaches its end. I probably won't get to post up part 2 until after I finish this voyage in less than twenty days. That's the best time frame I can give at this time. All i can say is check back later. & thanks for the comment.

  4. Could You upload Altan Urag - Nation,or Once Upon a Time in Mongolia and Mongol ?

    1. All the Altan Urag that I have I posted. I do not have the items you requested. Maybe someone reading this can help.

  5. I see...meaby You have one of these albums?


    Or,You know where I could find this?

    1. On a quick look, I have Universal Love, Rhythms of Peace, & Awakening Kindness. If you are interested, let me know & I'll upload them to MEGA & put the links here. If there are others that you are particularly looking for, let me know which ones & I'll see if I might have them somewhere.

  6. Ok,so...I found only this albums:
    Nawang Khechog - 1996 - Sounds Of Peace
    2002 - Tibetan Meditations, Music & Prayers for Opening the Heart
    2007 - Tibetan Meditation Music for Quiet Mind and Peaceful Heart

    and now I want hear...everything else :D for exemple R. Carlos Nakai and Nawang Khechog - Winds of Devotion,Music as Medicine ,Quiet Mind (The Musical Journey of a Tibetan Nomad ),Karuna,this is my number one which I want to hear :>

  7. How aboout this?

    1. Sainkho Namtchylak - Naked Spirit

      Just to set the record straight, Khechog is from Tibet. He plays the Tibetan flute. Namtchylak is from Tuva & is a Khöömei or Tuvan throat singer. They do not actually properly go here on Mongolia. If you can request artists on the post for their particular countries, then the additions will enhance the appropriate posts.

      Thanks for your interest & feel free to make further suggestions or requests. I have enjoyed them immensely.

  8. hey dear Nathan, thank you very much for these songs..unfortunately, none of these links seem to work :(( could you please reupload "Altai Hangai – Naariits Biilye (Let’s Dance)"?? Thank you very much in advance for your time and your efforts! kind regards

  9. Extraordinary stuff. Mongolie: Chamanes et Lamas is disturbing and reaffirming. Thank you, again, for this.

  10. Muchas Gracias por Compartir ! ;)

  11. Would love to see some of these re-upped.

    Quite a blog you've still got here after all these years, thanks.

    1. Re-upped. Thanks for letting me know the files were dead. I don't have the time to go back & check all my old posts, so when some kind soul such as yourself let's me know, it sure helps keep at least the appearance of funtionality around this mess.

      Musick Around the World is the series I am proudest of here at NSS, so I have most of the files easily accessible for re-upped on request.

      See you around the Isle o' Foam or the Major's Hole.

  12. Thanks a lot, my man. Now I realise I've seen you circling those two blogs, and you me.
