15 September 2013

French Polynesia

French Polynesia is made up of six groups of islands. There are around 130 islands in all. The island groups are: Marquesas Islands; Society Islands; Tuamotu Archipelago; Gambier Islands (often considered part of the Tuamotu Archipelago); Austral Islands; & Bass Islands (often considered part of the Austral Islands). The largest & most populated island is Tahiti in the Society Islands. The highest point is Mount Orohena on Tahiti. Aside from Tahiti, probably the other best known of the islands is Bora Bora (an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands).

This record comes from French Polynesia. The album information is in various languages & yield no information about the group or the music that I can understand. All I can say, is give it a listen.

As Trader Vic said, “The warmth of the sun… The coolness of the Sea Breeze… The gentle rhythm of the waves lapping at the shore… The tinkle of ice as it swirls in the exotic concoction … It all takes us to long ago & far away Tahiti. 

 Piiraa'E – Autrefois, Kaiga Records KA 1061 LP 
decryption code in comments

Songs -

Aue Te Mauiui
Pae Minuti
Tapau Féi
Te Ua´a Rii Pitate
Po Iti Ava´e
Piiraa É
Hoi Hoi Rii Mai Na Ra



  1. Very cool. Any idea on a release year for this?

    1. Christopher, I couldn't find the date anywhere. From the looks, I'd gues 60s, but with these small label releases you can never tell. Maybe someone out on the interweb will read this & let us know.

    2. Piiraa’E - Autrefois

  2. This is as lovely and sunshiney as their dresses.
