01 October 2013


Well, Teacher…my computer ate my homework.

I had finished an entire write-up on the musick of Suriname over the weekend. When I went to post it up today, it was nowhere to be found. I used three of the top recovery programs to search deleted & lost files, to no avail. I just don’t have more time.

I had explained about the origins of kaseko music from slavery days in Suriname, about fast dancing, about Bigi Pokoe & Skratjie Pokoe (big drum music & Surinam tropical music). I had bios for most of the main artists on these four volumes.

Here’s what I have readily available.

 Various – Songs from Surinam Vol 1, Dureco 11-061992, 1996. 
all decryption codes in comments

Tracklist –

Banana light - Trafassi
Adjossi - Max Nijman
Sranang njang - Johnny Miranda
Jimmy's lazarus - Sonora Paramarera
Oeng egi passie - The Twinkle Stars
Wis draai baka - George Scheermaker
Loekoe na'i fesi - Caribbean Harmonites Steelband
No friteri lee - Alberto Gemerts
Ole Ole - The Tropics
Bromtji foe mi djari – The Happy Boys
Jerusalem - The Twinkle Stars
Sranang gron tron gotie noja - Vrolijke Surinaamse Jeugd
Paramaribo - The Stan Lokhin Band
Badjie number 3 - Billy Jones & The Twinkle Stars
Djie ding sranangman - Sonora Paramarera
Gado bles' sranan kondre - Anne-Marie Hunsel
Surinaams volkslied - The Twinkle Stars

On the rest you’ll have to get the tracklist from the CD back.

 Various – Songs from Surinam Vol 2, Dureco 11-062002, 1996. 

Various – Songs from Surinam Vol 3, Dureco 11-063102, 1997. 
Various – Songs from Surinam Vol 4, Dureco 11-064322, 1998.  



  1. i am writing you to thank you for the adventure. I am posting here in Suriname. but it really could be anywhere. I know its a lot of work but you have done a great job reaching into little pockets of the world the other blogs have skipped over and writing understandable explanations where others have dropped jargon. In reality I am at home with 2 crying babies but thanks to you my ears are flying around the world. Thank you

    1. You are most kind. The purpose of this entire journey was to search out just that great music from those little pockets of the world that you speak of, for as different as we may all be, the soul of the music is universal. Here's to you & two crying babies, that they may join you flying around the world through the power of song.

    2. Ha Ha I just read this 4 year old comment and felt so much agreement I thought I must respond. Then I noticed it was my own post from 4 years ago. (not the first time I have done this)

  2. These links have been removed. :(

    1. As I'm rebuilding this project I am not exactly sure what order I should repair things. I redid the US first as that is where I first noticed the problem. Then I repaired Japan & Jamaica, two of the larger sections & the two most downloaded. Then I finished Asia & North America.

      Where to go next was answered by two separate requests: one, the oldest unanswered request I had was from Ivar C from May 10th this year commenting..."Links removed from Surinam."; the second was two days ago from unknown commenting on Guyana..."Mad Professor deleted by MEGA."

      Little did unknown know that "71 countries MIA from the Musick Around the World project" had disappeared by a MEGA snafu. Well, I'm a gonna fix up SA rite neow starting with Suriname & Guyana , by request.

      Surinam Vol 1
      Surinam Vol 2
      Surinam Vol 3
      Surinam Vol 4
