09 February 2014

The Elvis of Letters


I was re-uploading requests this week-end. One of the things I re-posted was Ken Colyer’s Back to the Delta, some Delta blues & skiffle from 1954. It was on a post called “Luckily, we had some Rotenone” which featured the cover & a short excerpt from Tornado Alley by William S. Burroughs. GR had requested that I post some of the Insect himself. I have quite a bit of Burrough’s spoken word recordings but just never got around to posting any. This re-up prompted me to remedy that situation.

Here is a rare audio collaboration between Drugstore Cowboy compatriots Gus Van Sant & Burroughs. Van Sant takes care of the tunes (composition, bass, & drum machine) while Burroughs contributes his inimitable croak & unequaled words, reading four short pieces with (his voice often being electronically manipulated). I’ve always really enjoyed this release. I hope you all do, too.

The Elvis of Letters features: William S. Burroughs – narrator; Doug Cooeyate – guitar; Gus Van Sant – music.

Tim/Kerr Records T/K 9112º01, 1985.
decryption code in comments

Side A:
Burroughs Break
Word is Virus

Side B:
Millions of Images
The Hipster Be-bop Junkie



  1. DHkobSmAw4ANMEnBIcEPkzbzc5BPLvSQZPmruntS46c

  2. Oh, yeah.... That's the stuff.

    1. Glad to see you're still with me here. We can always use another dose of WSB. Why don't you drop me a comment & let me know what all you enjoy. I have tons of crazy stuff hanging about in, vinyl, tape, & digital formats. i would like to post up things that valued friends enjoy or are looking for if I have it. Just a request on my part, not an obligation.

  3. nice one. i haven't been around here for a while. busy with stuff, unfortunately. so it goes.

    glad to see that you guys are kicking it around still. major props!!

    this looks interesting, i'm gonna check it out. if you feel so inclined, i'd love to hear more of this weird shit. it's way up my alley.

    thanks and have a good won.

  4. Thanks brother. Every few years I get on a WSB trip that would make the man himself wince. Cheers.
