05 April 2014

Free Diving with the Second Apneists

Apnea is a term for suspension of external breathing. Apnea can be voluntarily achieved, drug-induced through opiate or tryptamine use, mechanically induced by strangulation or choking, or it can occur as a consequence of neurological disease or trauma. When a person is immersed in water, physiological changes due to the mammalian diving reflex enable somewhat longer tolerance of apnea even in untrained persons. Tolerance can in addition be trained. The ancient technique of free-diving requires lengthened breath-holding, & world-class free-divers can hold their breath underwater up to depths of 214 meters for more than four minutes.

Segunda Apnea is the name of the group from Barcelona, Spain born in 2006 from the ashes of Apnea. Marc (Desmond) - vocals, Yves - bass & Llobet – drums from the original Apnea teamed up with Edgar Beltri & Álvaro - guitar & Natalia Escaño  – keyboards to create the Second Apnea. As its name suggests, the project is a second attempt to complete their free-dive. Apnea went down for the first dive, had to come up for another breath of air to form this new band.

They recorded a three song demo in 2007 & then this self-titled CD in 2008 on the Arindelle Records label. The new team of six divers with enough experience in various seas & styles have managed to compose these breathless tracks. This is an album of beautifully independent ambient post-rock tinged compositions. Diving below the surface without scuba tanks, drifting off on the wonders of these mostly instrumental tunes reveals a personal immersion into an ocean of sound.

Find a dark & solitary space to escape from the outside world & immerse your self. Songs like “La Atlántida” &  Sombras Marinas” showcase the great craftwork behind this band, uncovering new worlds that lie beyond the last known sea.

Segunda Apnea – Segunda Apnea, Arindelle Records AR14, 2008.
decryption code in comments

Tracklist –
La Atlántida (Atlantis)
Miran Al Cielo (Looking to the Sky)
El Viejo Faro (The Old Lighthouse)
La Laguna Principal (The Laguna Home)
Sombras Marinas (Marina Shadows)
Dunas Negras (Black Dunes)



  1. AABKE3bUK1pDWUvbbcuxulGFFXVH9ZsBLkv-yBQuOBE

  2. No clue. I'll give it a shot.


