07 June 2014

Desert Dwellers

After listening to Umberto Echo’s Dub the World, I wanted to dub more of the world. This dub selection moves from the Carib/Afro roots to the Middle East & India for its more world music dub..

Desert Dwellers has its roots in the legendary Moontribe full moon gatherings that took place in southern California & nothern New Mexico. Originally a collaboration forged between Amani Friend (Global Dragon) & DJ Treavor Walton (then known as Amani vs. Teapot), Desert Dwellers has grown to encompass virtually every style of electronic music ranging from full on psy-trance, progressive-tribal house, & glitchy breaks, to world fusion downtempo, ambient, & ethnostep dub. Since its creation, Desert Dwellers has brought several other producers into their mix as collaborative partners, including RaRa Avis, DJ Jonathan Grossman, DJ Kepi, & Craig Kohland of Shaman's Dream Music. They have released many albums since 2006 (about one a year).  This from 2009…

Desert Dwellers – Downtemple Dub : Roots, White Swan Records WS 0089, 2009.
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Tracklist –

Saraswati - Amani Friend & Treavor Walton with Ricardin – oud; Dominic Dean Breaux – bansuri; Jeremy Bleich – bass; Michael Knott – cello; & Yamuna Wali – backing vocals.

Snake Charmer – Amani Friend with Stephan Gill – guitar; Jeremy Bleich – bass; Dominic Dean Breaux – flute; & Pandit Birju Maharaj – backing vocals.

More than Anything – Amani Friend & RaRa Avis with Robert Mirabal – flute; & Madi Sato – backing vocals.

New Generation – Amani Friend & RaRa Avis with Meagan Chandler – backing vocals.

Moonlit Horizons – Amani Friend & RaRa Avis with Ricardin – oud & backing vocals.

Taking Flight - Amani Friend & RaRa Avis with Ricardin – oud & backing vocals.

Trail Of Nomads – Amani Friend, Treavor Walton, & RaRa Avis with Meafan Chandler – backing vocals.

Crossing Beyond – Amani Friend & RaRa Avis with Pandit Birju Maharaj – sitar, flute, & percussion; & Pandit & Yamuna Wali – backing vocals.

Dragon's Mist – Amani Friend & RaRa Avis with Martin St. Pierre – violin; & Sarah West – backing vocals.

The Dub Sutras – Amani Friend with RaRa Avis – electric guitar; Jeremy Bleich – bass; & Craig Kohland – flute.

Sukhavati – Amani Friend with Jeremy Bleich – bass; Gregory Gutin – percussion; & Meagan Chandler – backing vocals.



  1. cK_k0kuFfqaQRaE7vg5ppwYvMNtxOQ2uiaF8NJE60Aw

  2. More world dub: http://dubophonic.blogspot.com/p/music.html

    All of the Dubophonic label's records are free for download, and they include dub from Latin America, Russia, Japan, the West Indies and the island of Cyprus!

    1. Thanks for this link. Will be checking this all out. Hope others do as well.
