29 March 2015


Tamburada began in the fall of 2001 in Istanbul as a music union existing in a constant state of change. In 2006 Tamburada had to slow down their forward momentum in order to spread out more, musically. During those five years, the band worked with varied musicians, played numerous gigs in & out of Istanbul. They also recorded this, their one & only Fantastik

On Fantastik, Tamburada are: Özlem Şimşek – vocals; Korhan Futacı - tenor saxophone & backing vocals; Burak Irmak - Hammond organ, Rhodes, & toccata;  Feryin Kaya - electric & fretless bass guitars; Tansu Kaner - electronic effects & samples; Özün Usta – percussion; & Berke Can Özcan - drums, logdrum, & vibraphone.

Tamburada – Fantastik, akusta records, 2004.

Tracklist –
Atina (Athens)
Merdiven (The Stairway)
Yaz Müziði (Summer Music)
Mavi (Blue)
Kalp (The Heart)
Afrika (Africa)

Enjoy while we can.

1 comment:

  1. I've been listening of late to a lot of 70s ECM material produced by Manfred Eicher, and this fits in with that seamlessly. The saxophone phrasing is eerily reminiscent of Jan Garbarek.
