22 July 2015

Make Mine Veggie Teriyaki

Perennial favorite around these parts William S. Burroughs II traveled extensively throughout Mexico, Central & South America, Europe, & the Middle East in his day, but ended up settling down in Lawrence Kansas. He moved to there in 1981. He lived there for the remainder of his life.

He once told a reporter from the Wichita (Kansas) Eagle that he was content to live in Lawrence, saying, "The thing I like about Kansas is that it's not nearly as violent (as New York), & it's a helluva lot cheaper. & I can get out in the country, fish & shoot & whatnot." You all should know by now how much this Zero treasures his whatnot.

In Lawrence, Kansas in 1982, Burroughs developed a painting technique whereby he created abstract compositions by placing spray paint cans some distance in front of blank surfaces, then shooting at the paint cans with a shotgun.

Teriyakis hail from Lawrence, Kansas, & their music reminds me of Burroughs painting method. They kinda line up some lyrics & instruments of all kinds in front of their microphones & blast'em with their big guns. This shotgun method creates quite a sonic multiple-musicality between one song & the next or more often right in the midst of a song, aural creativity splattered against their musical canvas. Maybe they're sounding like a 60s style psychedelic pop band like Apples in Stereo, the next minute an early 90s indie rock mix of Pavement & Sonic Youth, then maybe a noisy punk band.

The influences of a band like Polvo can be heard in much of their guitar sound (no surprise that the release is produced by Bob Weston (Polvo, Sebadoh, & more). The dissonance & strange guitar tunings are prevalent in an outsider combination of bending guitars mixed with Teriyakis weirdness. You'll find creative samples mixed in with intelligent instrumentation & cool shifting time signatures mixed together to create amazing soundscapes disguised as songs with the essential freaky Teriyakis lyrics.

Ripped by me. Converted to 320 from lossless. Here Teriyakis are: Brent Piepergerdes; Hiram Lucke; Brandon Brown; Bill Lamboley; & Mia: The Radio Boll Weevil with Elizabeth Giffin on clarinet for "Return of the Panda"

This one's for a friend. In an e-mail, he stated (excerpted to remove the blush factor)…

"…a big part of what makes your blog…better than those that just have a cover photo and a download link,”

To be honest, I've sorta been leaning in that direction lately (I've been hella busy as of late [my lame excuse]) & so he was causing me to feel guilty, so I took a little time to do a bit more.

He also said…

"for sharing information as well as the cool, the rare, and the just plain odd recordings that are out there. "

This one's plenty odd & definitely out there.

Teriyakis - Haunted Hungarian Sauna, Priapus Records, 2000.
decryption code in comments

Tracklist –
Brown Family Theme
Darth Waiter
Peter Lorre’s Big Red Munster
Pocketful of Sunshine
To My Daughter
Another Pocketful of Shame
Picaresque & Proud
Return of the Panda
Leon’s Yawn
Happy in Erie
Inside the Samba Drome
Helga’s Blues
Stroke Pt. II
Ryde Øë Ghêti

This Jon’s for Der,


  1. Yeah, it's your additional thoughts on the bands and music that make this here blog so much better than many others.

    Cheers for this.


  2. ha ha ha. i was in that band. thanks for posting this.

  3. Welcome, thg.
    My guess is that you're initials are HL?
    Great to hear from you even if I'm wrong about Wow & Flutter.
    I was going to post up my Psychics to Sidekicks CD, but then I realized
    it only has five tracks, even though the cover lists six titles.
    Do you know the answer to this conundrum?
    Please let me know if you do. I'm a big Teriyakis fan.

  4. I am HL. And I'm confused about Wow & Flutter. Whatcha mean? Anyhoo, Psychics has five songs, one of which has two names because it was two songs stuck together. It always caused confusion. Just wanted to say I like the blog. I haven't been here in awhile and checked it out while doing laundry and was really surprised to find us posted. Do you have the first 7"? Weirdly, I saw it on another blog today doing the same thing (visiting an old blog). There was also our last album which was an odds and ends long one. Let me know if you'd like those and i can send some files if you'd like. So, yeah, thanks and take care.

    1. I figured it was you because you are listed as a performer on Wow & Flutter's Golden Touch. Golden Touch was recorded at Type Factory in Portland, OR. thg is listed as from PDX.

      I have all Teriyakis material except Pre-Literate: Post-Necessary. Would love to add that to my collection. Also, which track on P to S has two songs stuck together? (Weirdo Frontiersmen/Defenestracão/Toot Decay/Rolodex Member/Pecos on the Prairie/Soil)

      Glad you like this here mess. Hope to hear from you again.

  5. Hm. I've downloaded twice and the rip seems to be just the sounds of skipping and glitching. I'm assuming that - in this case anyway - it's not supposed to. Just me, or is anyone else experiencing this?


    1. Sorry about the bother. Thanks for letting me know. I guess in a week & a half no one else could tell music (no matter how experimental) from glitch.

      This has happened a few times before, I think it occurs while compressing to .zip file.

      I listened after I ripped it, it was good, I listened when I was cutting out dead air, it was good, & I listened while I was tagging it, it was good. The only time I didn't listen was when I compressed it & uploaded it. Guess it could have occurred at either point.

      It is re-ripped, re-tagged, & re-upped. I listened to the files after compressing this time & they seem fine. Let me know if there are any further problems & again, sorry for wasting your time.

  6. MEGA decryption code

  7. Works great. Digging in now and chewing it up!

    Thanks as always for your hard work here. It is truly appreciated.


  8. Sorry for bugging you on the other post. These records are pretty great. Thanks very much, plus thanks for the links to the harvey girls.

    1. You surely weren't bugging me. If no one can dl the musick I post, that's no good. The only way I know is if someone such as yourself lets me know. Thank you.
