07 July 2015

One More Hit of Acid from RUK (& Dr. Tim)

Here the players are:  Manuel Göttsching – guitar & synthesizer; Steve A – organ & synthesizer; Hartmut 'Hawk' Enke – bass, guitar, & synthesizer; Dieter Burmeister & Tommie Engel – drums with Timothy Leary, Bettina Hohls, Brian Barritt, Liz Elliott, & Portia Nkomo – vocals; Micky Duwe – flute & vocals. Recorded by Dieter Dierks at Dierks Studios.

Timothy Leary & Ash Ra Tempel – Seven Up, Die Kosmishen Kuriere KK58.001, 1973.
decryption code in comments

Seite 1 – Space  

.a Downtown
.b Power Drive
.c Right Hand Lover
.d Velvet Genes

Seite 2 – Time 

.a Timeship
.b Neuron
.c SHe



  1. QFM6kCEEC6X1p0X2sPy1CKvJ1IKpA9QJJ_a385n5Vrg

  2. These have been some great trips. Thank you as always for all you do.

