14 March 2016

Angie B’s Life Story --- Tell Me (Baby)

Rolling Stone Magazine once declared, 
     "When soul music was in the lost and found, she came along to claim it."

This super Soul-power made Angie B. Stone the main woman for emerging record labels when they were creating their signature sound & vision. In the 70s it was Angie Stone who helped to define the sound of the now legendary Sugar Hill Records, when she was one of the first recorded female rappers/singers in the ground-breaking trio Sequence.

Later, music mogul Clive Davis tapped Stone's iconic sound in the early 00s, when he launched J Records. She recorded her gold-selling Mahogany Soul for that label.

Angie has worked with Mantronix. 

She sang backing vocals on Lenny Kravitz's fifth studio album, 5

During the early 90s she moved on to become a part of the trio Vertical Hold (releasing two albums: A Matter of Time [1993] & Head First [1995]). 

Stone shared songwriting credits on D'Angelo's first two studio albums, Brown Sugar (1995) & Voodoo (2000), as well as touring with him & providing backing vocals.

In 1996, Stone teamed up with Gerry DeVeaux (Lenny Kravitz's cousin) & Charlie Mole to form the group Devox. They recorded one album, Devox Featuring Angie B. Stone.

Devox featuring Angie B. Stone – Self-titled, Devox TOCP 8923, 1996.
decryption code in comments

Tracklist –
You Can’t Hide Love
When Will I See You Again (The Three Degrees cover)
Life Story
Tell Me
Let it Go
Simple Song
So Beautiful
My Lovin’ Will Give You Something
Taking Care of Business
All You’ve Been Doing

 & a bonus track from her latest Dream (Shanachie SH5827, 2015)



  1. LGaFVNdY4q3S53VMdeaTcHm4Uw9-PTftHitl6Qf5WSU

  2. There are just too many exhibits resurrected here at once to comfortably digest.

    The tuneage is in the tonneage.

    I have been following the caucuses of late, but I have declined to comment until now. The Trump saga has all but eclipsed the Clinton Sanders gunfight at the - genuinely - OK Corral. The stage has been cleverly set to promote a policy of strategic voting. The stage got ambushed before it even left town, I feel.

    Trump is a monster, but only in terms of the shadow he throws over the schoolyard. The hunchback size of it. The truly terrifying thing about it all is those hicks with beards making out on the bleachers. American arcana. If Ronald Reagan was '50s Hollywood transplanted into a scripted crack den, then Trump is the slave trader; the tobacco merchant; the plantation owner.

    Sanders, I believe, is an man of clear conscience. An Everyman. We collectively hold our breath. Then the banks send in not the men in black, but the classroom fucking clown. The Frankenstein monster stitched together with daddy's money.

    It's a lot like someone implacably spitting out the truth. The torturers skulk. The jester patrols the footlights.

    I do not have a firm grasp on Clinton. I am not suggesting she is a pig. I know this. Those fuckers who control the banks do not stand on ceremony. They would sooner discard the entire electoral process than manipulate it from afar.

    Trump is one step closer to that end. The theatre of distraction. He even stuck a plastic billboard on our turf. Repackaged it after Ronald McDonald.

    Ronald. Donald. Reagan. Trump.

    Mengele's experiment is ongoing.

    1. Tuneage in the tonneage, I love that...could be a moniker for a frenetic blogger.

      Trump is indeed fanning the flame of the fire burning the lowest common denominator, fomenting violence as the schoolyard rich kid buying the goon squad bullies.

      Clinton is a politician, part & parcel. She beckons to the lobbyists' calls. She is beholden only to the mighty $$$.

      Thanks so much for gracing NSS with your erudite opines. Good to hear from you again. I was wondering if there was anyone out there.

      This directly from Bernie today:
      "What you will not hear from the political and media establishment is that, based on the primary and caucus schedule for the rest of the race, today is the high water mark for the Clinton campaign. Starting today, the map now shifts dramatically in our favor. Arizona, Idaho, and Utah are up next Tuesday. Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington State caucus the Saturday after. Then it's Wisconsin's turn to vote. That means we have an extremely good chance to win nearly every state that votes in the next month. If we continue to stand together, we’re just getting started for our POLITICAL REVOLUTION: No one said a political revolution would be easy. We are up against a billionaire class and super PACs that are determined to see us lose. The fact remains that Hillary Clinton’s lead will NEVER be as LARGE as it is right now. From here on out we keep chipping away until we take the lead."

      We are attempting to flex the POWER OF THE PEOPLE over the power of greed.
